Shared on Thu, 12/18/2008 - 17:29 As I told some of the trouble my first bike gut me into, looking back either my parents wanted rid of me or they were sorry about some of the scars the big red one they purchased had left on various parts of my body. This year I rolled the dice all sevens! No words on how I would kill myself or anyone else. I found this 4 horsepower yellow chopper Mini-bike that even had the handlebars like Peter Fonda's Harley in Easy Rider! Since I was 11 now next to seeing a girl nude this was about as good as it got. I found a photo of it and went around showing it to all who would look but no word either good or bad from Mom and Dad, This was starting to scare me because I thought I wasn't reaching anyone. By this time we opened our presents on Christmas Eve in order to sleep in on Christmas. I head the car pull in the driveway and saw the trunk lid was open. Most of the time this ment home from the market so hurry out and held carry things in. This time the only thing that was there was MY chopper! I nearly dropped both of mine trying to get it it out by myself until I got yelled out to wait for help. Till this day I don't know why no one took the truck. Once on the ground I had to listen to the be careful spill, and "it's not a toy" drill while gas and oil were being added. No helmet laws then so I could feel the wind in my hair and listen to "Born to be Wild played in my head." After listening to the engine for a minute it was time to pull out. I tore out wide open and forgot to look for a car..until the last second. I shit, they shit, I slammed on the brakes, they slammed on the brakes. Mine stopped all of a sudden then turned over. They went on I'm sure cursing all who brought me into this world. I pick it up, started it back and pretended I heard no one laugh. Here I am full throttle going faster than I ever had gone with me in control. I came down over a hill and out walks this dog. I'd been fooled by the cat on the bike so I paid it no mind. No even when it stopped. I t-boned this thing then things went hazy. I raised up my head to see the dog had passed and the bike was still between my legs and the muffler was hot and burning. Bike 2, dog 1 me 0. A lady on the street saw what happened and told I flipped 3 times without letting go. As soon as I could as the pain shoot through every nerve ending I got out of there toward home. Our driveway was uphill so I thought I'd better floor it to make it up.4 horsepower is not that much right? I lost control in the wet yard and took out Mom's clothesline post head-on. Bike 3, dog 1, me 0. Brand new toy now I'm grounded and not allowed of the yard. I did talk them into alowing me to ride in the yard until I threw a buddy off the back who got up crying home to momma. Bike 4, dog 1, me 1!!!!!!! Peace out
- revslow's blog
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Submitted by VenomRudman on Thu, 12/18/2008 - 21:08
Submitted by revslow on Thu, 12/18/2008 - 21:12