Guitar Hero Part 2


Shared on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 00:37

After waking up feeling like I spent the night in the sewer, I ventured out to pick up the game. After a short conversation with a friend of ours that works there, we made our purchase and were on our way. Being the nice chap that I am, I let my wife play first and took a nap. "It's not bad.", she said when I woke up. After finding my glasses I saw that "not bad" meant no worse that the last one was. It contains a lot of the same songs as Rock Band 2 and the game looks like you're playing it on a Wii. I paid $60.00 for this X#$%^#@^&* game and it still looks like a cartoon??? Where's the improvement?? I feel I can speak for most gamers when I say when we get the next installment in a series, we expect and are paying for improvement from the last. We are grown and have bills to pay so when we buy a game most of the time that means we cut back somewhere else to make the purchase. The bottom line is if you like Guitar Hero 3 , you'll like this one as well. If not, buy RB2 or Fable 2 instead. Two things I did learn today today were, (1). This game is an easy way to boost your gamer score. (2) My Visa card still works.


Mulchinator's picture
Submitted by Mulchinator on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 00:48
Thanks for this review - it's good to see my choice of calling this a rental a good choice.
revslow's picture
Submitted by revslow on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 01:29
I know it sound like I'm picking on the series but look at the strides Rock Band Has made with 2 releases.

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