
Shared on Fri, 11/14/2008 - 11:48

 I used to love the Holiday season but now it seems to be more of a time of mayhem than celebration. I still love what it stands for but when you have health issues it requires pacing ones self just to get through. And the stress seems to hit before Halloween now. We have company and that means extra work and expense. Depression because people are so rude and self-centered this time of year. Not to mention missing those who are no longer with us. My wife's side of the family is all we have because I have none living My brother took his head off  7 years ago with a shotgun. On the brighter side, Just finished Fable II. I think it is a very good game with great online play. The only drawback is in two-player mode. The controls all go to shit with bad camera angles that you can't conrtol, making player hang-ups the norm. I did have one funny moment by sheer luck. I let my gun go off  just as some guy started to open the door to the Tatoo Shop. It was funny as shit watching him run holding nothing but the handle! Just got Fallout 3 but haven't opened it yet. I'm still looking forward to the launch of Left 4 Dead. Hopefuly, my diabetes will be back under control by then and I'll feel more like playing it. I'm still trying to get through GOW2 and making a piss poor effort at it. Been playing Lego Indiana Jones on the PSP and Kung Fu Panda on the 360. Yeah, I know they're rather childish but they make me laugh and thats what I need this time of year. I though about buying the new COD but I've been told it's just like the last one. Maybe if I'm a real good boy, Santa will bring me a PS3? Yes, dear when you read this, know that it is a hint!  Peace out.


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