
Shared on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 15:54

The Most Profanity-Laced Video Game in History is ... a Wii Game?

Monday March 16, 2009
You always have to admire a publisher who sees a need and fills it. For example, SEGA heard people complaining that the Wii didn't have enough games for adults and was the home for way too many cutesy games with anthropomorphic animals, so this year they put out two insanely violent titles, the blood-soaked MadWorld and the edgy House of the Dead: Overkill, which Guinness Records has just announced uses the "f" word more than any other video game (according to Game Informer).

Nintendo, who never managed to convince gamers that the GameCube wasn't basically just for kids, should probably send SEGA a nice thank you card for helping them make a more convincing case for the Wii. The card should show cute bunny rabbits spelling out, "Thank you for your f_______g games."


Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 17:31
It will be interesting to see how many parents are up in arms about little timmies new swearing problem.
revslow's picture
Submitted by revslow on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 19:21
This could be the joke of the year!!! Maybe the soccer moms will leave our consoles alone now.
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 23:42
Those are 2 games that make it worthwhile to own a Wii.
revslow's picture
Submitted by revslow on Wed, 03/25/2009 - 01:14
I agree.

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