Shared on Sat, 01/31/2015 - 23:04If our reality was a perfect one, all of these video games being released would be tiny little gifts that gave us every single little thing we would ever need to get the most fun and joy out of the game itself. Mods, tweaks for the game, various user guides to help us not want to kill ourselves, places to meet others playing the game, everything. All of things would be there with the game itself, supported by the devs, and you would never need to go searching through Google for how you can make some gold or something. Such a reality does not exist, though. Luckily there are plenty of websites out there that fill these gaps and questions that we all have. There are plenty of resources out there that can improve our gaming experience. Lets take a look at some of these.
Dragon Age Keep?
Didn't bother with filling out a profile on Dragon Age Keep before playing Inquisition? You probably missed out on one of the best tools that BioWare has put out for their games. Keep will allow you to fill in any choices from the previous 2 games and then download them into Dragon Age: Inquisition. Very cool.
Sure, it minimizes the magic of the game and world to see it in a big old list, but it can also be eye-opening. You don't have to just recreate your old games from your memory, though. You can try out new choices to see what would have happened if you had done this or that. No need to play through the games again to see what would have happened!
Event Guides and Forums for Destiny
You need to be working your butt off or know a lot about the game so you can play smarter to get ahead in Destiny. Seeing as how this isn't an awesome job, but rather just a random video game, you should probably choose the 2nd option there. If you do you'll come across some really cool stuff to help you out. DestinyLFG is one of those things, and is where you need to go if you like to actually be around other gamers inside of Destiny. You could sit around in the Tower or in a matchmaking session to find some random cruddy group, or you can check out the forum to find gamers who want to hang out and play some games. Pretty useful, especially if you need to find a good group that is also hunting down exotic weapons in Destiny. Useful, indeed. There is also the Destiny Public Events Timer, which is a great thing to have up when you're looking for those random events. Considerably more worthwhile than running about and hoping for something to show up.
- ridleywright's blog
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