Shared on Wed, 01/07/2015 - 06:31Take On Enemies Too Tough for You
Some Vanguard missions inside of Destiny have spots that have some opponents that are way too high for you to tackle. They may even be of ? level. Even Destiny has no clue what level they are (lol)! They basically used to help keep you on track and on the right course for the mission that you're currently doing. Basically so you don't wander off into areas you shouldn't. There's no taking these bad boys down. They aren't meant to be taken down, but hey, where's the fun in that?
Give it a shot. Try to take them out! Sure, you'll die, but why not see how long before you do? Plenty of fun to be had in this slow suicide mission. You might feel awesome, and you might end up learning some interesting tactics for the weaker versions of these guys in the future.
Make Your Slide Tackle Kill Just Perfect
This is a pretty fun one inside of PvP. Sliding isn't all about dodging bullets while you get into some cover. Not by a long shot. It can chain into your offensive moves in an awesome way. Its hard to do, which is likely why I rarely see anyone trying it. This is also why no one will see it coming. When you pull it off, though, its awesome.
The scenario is easy enough. Come around a corner and bump into another player while you both let your guns fly at exactly the same moment. Who knows which of you will win. Luck determines that in a lot of cases. You can increase the chances of you winning, though. If their shield goes down somewhat you sprint in and slide, which will throw his aim off, and then you do a nice melee move prior to pulling up. Trust me, they won't expect it and you'll see them nice and dead. Works exceptionally well with shotguns, of course, and its always nice to have some good exotic armor on hand (see PowerOnPub.com if you're a Warlock) to tip the battle your way, too.
Stalk Everyone Crazy
I don't know why this is so hilarious, but it is. The very 1st time I was involved in this I couldn't stop laughing. My stomach was definitely sore the next day. Here's what you do:
Inside of The Tower you can do your little crouch-walk action, but in 3rd person it looks pretty funny. More so if you have a long garment like a cloak on. So, what you do is crouch behind some random person (in a shop is good since they're more distracted) and then you stalk them in that position for as much time as you feel like, or til they catch you. Don't get too close, though, because you'll end up in their view. If you can get some others togther you can end up with a nice train of stealthy stalking hilarity. Trust me, its a good, humorous time.
- ridleywright's blog
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