A Guy Walks Into an EB Games...


Shared on Sat, 12/16/2006 - 07:27
...and walks out with a 60GB PS3!  One of those WTF moments, but it happened.  I asked if they had PS3, but they didn't.  Then the guy processes the day's shipping and says, "I have a couple of PS3s if you want one."  Bye-bye, money!  These things are actually going almost at cost on eBay, but I didn't help any of those guys out.  I guess I should make sure I didn't buy a brick.  I had to get Ridge Racer 7, despite all the complaints by people who don't like Ridge Racer.  RRV was a really great game from the PS2 launch, I'm sure this will be, too.


rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Sat, 12/16/2006 - 07:44
congrats bro, my buddy at work is a huge PS fan boy and expects to have one for Xmas, I am actually anxious to see it in action even though I would not buy one

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