Shared on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 10:54I read a review of 7 game controversies that never were, but I can't find the link now! One that surprised me was Persona 3 (PS2). I bought the oh-so-beautiful game (guess whether I like it or not) and played it for about 2 hours. That's about how long it takes for the real game to begin, but the story and tutorial are excellent. First of all, it reminds me of Lovecraft stories with a hidden "Dark Hour" and multi-handed shadow creatures. The game is justifiably rated "M," but it's very difficult to see why. My point is, a parent who screens games before deciding to let their kids play it may miss the one over-the-top game mechanism that makes the game, well, shocking. To wit, to use your Personae powers, your character has to shoot himself in the head (suicide style). If you skip the opening movie, you could miss this fact until the first battle. Also keep in mind that this is not shooting bullets, but rather psychic energy and it acts as an "activator" to allow the Persona to manifest. So the point of this lesson is that games are rated "M" for a reason, so be cautious if you can't see why!
EDIT: Found the GamesRadar.com Link
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Submitted by J-Cat on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 14:53