Amazon Trade-In


Shared on Fri, 11/27/2009 - 08:25

Anyone tried Amazon's video game trade-in? Free shipping, and it looks like they pay decently for some of the older title. Please reply in comments if you have.


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Fri, 11/27/2009 - 09:58
Yes i've done it, the process went quite well. I've also used both Best Buy and Toys R Us trade-ins as well. At the moment though I do best buy. In terms of value, gamestop gives you the least, next is Amazon and then best buy / TRU give about the same, within cents of each other. So shop around and see who's going to give you the best deal. The other thing i like about best buy is you can take 30 days to mail it to them after you fill out the form and get your quote. So if i think i can finish the game within 3 weeks, i can fill out the form and get potentially a higher price than waiting until i'm totally finished with the game. Anyway look around, they all work quite well and all pay for you to send them your games.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Fri, 11/27/2009 - 13:29
a few of my clannies have and are happy with it. But they also do not have game stops by them. If you do, I would still use them (see tanks respons). You can stack multiple extra credit deals together (about half the time) and make some good money. I even lurk ebay and garage sale to buy old 360 ps3 games on the cheap just to get the extra percentage for trade in's.
Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Fri, 11/27/2009 - 17:25
Like LB said, ebay is a great place to buy games but a crappy place to try and sell them.

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