Shared on Mon, 05/04/2015 - 07:53Friend, and former 2o2p writer, Brandon DeVane is facing some serious health issues and his wife has started a gofundme page to raide $7000 to cover some of the medical expenses: Brandon is uninsured. She writes:
"Imagine for a minute, you are sitting on the floor of the bathroom, trying to help the one you love, while he is getting sick. Then picture him telling you that he is possibly going to lose consciousness in the next few minutes and begins to tell you what needs to be done. Tears begin to fall, as your shaking hands pull insulin into the needle. This is a scary situation for anyone, knowing that someone else’s life is now in your hands, and not being prepared for it. This was my reality earlier this week. This is what diabetes can put you through. Lucky for me, I had people talking me through the situation and providing unwavering support.
For a few weeks Brandon began complaining of pain in his face, but ibuprophen and other remedies were only providing temporary relief. Until they couldn’t anymore and we were on our first trip to the ER. After being diagnosed with an infection, he was given antibiotics and pain medicine before being discharged. We were headed home for a relaxing evening and yet, somehow, we ended up worse off than before.
Later that night with a blood sugar of 377 and evidence of ketones, there was a possibility of DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis, a life-threatening condition for Diabetics). We were back in the ER, as fast as I could legally get us there. And there we stayed for the next 6 hours. Given his nature, while Brandon was in constant pain, he was still willing to give the nurse business advice when asked.
We are back home and resting now, but as some of you know, Brandon works from home and does not have insurance, and because of his pre-existing condition(s), medical assistance programs are still asking for crazy amounts of money to be covered. Two ER visits was clearly not in our budget, and now we have to figure out how to cover those bills along with the upcoming procedures, prescriptions, office visits, as well as time off from work.
Now you’re asking yourself, “Why is this guy different from every other Joe Shmoe with medical bills?” Well, Brandon has had a rough life up to this point, but after rising from bad situations, he had made it a point to put others before himself and provide strength and guidance to others, even when his own health is deteriorating. All we ask, is that for a moment you find it in your heart to put someone else’s needs above your own, as he has done for so many.
Brandon does not feel “right” asking for the money. He has had to work his whole life, for the things has and has provided to others. That is why we are reaching out though...the others. Thousands of others, to give a rough estimate. Brandon has been assisting others, and has been building businesses around doing just that (taking only 3 days off total in the last 5 years). Even while ill, he doesn’t want to stop working and has already pushed himself too much, a few times. What we are asking, is for about half of the actual costs. This amount should be enough for him to at least rest until surgery and hopefully a while after.
Anyone who knows him, knows he will pay this forward tenfold. We want everyone to know he appreciates every donation, and hopes to be back to putting smiles on peoples faces soon enough."
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Submitted by Waster Jericho on Tue, 05/05/2015 - 09:18
I've been a diabetic for the last ten years and I feel their hurt and pain. I'll have to balance my budget since I don't have all my meds for the coming month. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers, and a listening ear if needed
Submitted by FreeRadikal on Fri, 05/08/2015 - 16:44
Our health is a precious commodity.