In The Spotlight


Shared on Tue, 07/10/2012 - 23:31

 I was taking a smoke break between races with some guys from the 2old4forza clan not too long ago. Being the impatient type, I figured I would pee in the back yard while I smoked...effectively killing two birds with one stone. I, however, failed to notice a cat crouched near the grill. The cat, apparently alarmed by the sound of my urine stream hitting the ground, sprinted across the patio, then up and over the fence. The problem was that my patio has a motion detecting spotlight, which lit me up like I was on stage. Naturally, this was the ideal time for my 11 year-old daughter to step outside to comment on the commotion and to catch daddy in action. Unable to reel in the urine stream, I told her I was watering the yard and to go back inside. Bad timing, I reckon.


Sherb's picture
Submitted by Sherb on Sun, 07/22/2012 - 13:31

Oh man...I can just picture it.  laugh

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