Shared on Tue, 01/30/2007 - 16:34Normally I’m running all over my office and out into the plant juggling 15 different projects and trying to maintain some semblance of sanity in an otherwise looney environment. Today I found myself sitting at my desk, staring at my monitor and wondering how early I can sneak out of here since my boss just left for a 3 day trip to the great white north, meetings with our French Canadian brothers and sisters in Quebec. It’s not that I don’t have anything to do, but it’s just that I don’t really want to start one any of the projects looming on the horizon. We just found out that we’re losing our site Engineer, he’s being relocated to another site next week. This basically means that in addition to being the Research and Development Manager/Process Improvement Manager, I also get to pick up his slack and handle the site Engineering (ordering equipment, overseeing contractors, new equipment installation, etc.) It’s a logical progression to my job, I’m the one that comes up with the recommendations to equipment modifications and feasibility studies for new processing lines, but now I get to handle the installation and implementation of the lines as well. Know what the best part of all this is? I get to do it for the EXACT SAME SALARY that I currently bring home. Aren’t I lucky?
Ahh, enough of my slack-jawed yammering about my job.
On the gaming front, I’m patiently wading my way through the desolate wasteland that post-holiday gaming usually is. No new releases to speak of for months. I’ve played most of the way through Marvel Ultimate Alliance. I’m not really thrilled about COD3’s single player. Rainbow 6 seems to be taking up my online shooter time, so multiplayer COD3 isn’t really exciting me either. I played through Rainbow 6 on Normal, I’m working my way through on Realistic now. I unlocked all the micro-games in WarioWare for the Wii. I think I’ll get back into Zelda on the Wii, I was playing a bit of that before Christmas, maybe I’ll give it some more time.
In the upcoming game list, I’m really just waiting for Guitar Hero 2, NBA Street and GRAW2 for the 360. I might pick up some used DS games from Gamecrazy tomorrow, I have some coupon thing for a “buy-one-get-one-free” on used portable games, maybe I’ll snag something to burn up some slow time at work on the DS Lite.
Speaking of gaming, I picked up a Rubik’s cube from Amazon the other day. I had one as a kid, never solved it without the use of a butter knife and some re-assembling skills. I handed it to my wife, she sufficiently scrambled the crap out of it for 10 minutes and I started screwing around with it. I solved about half of it, 2 and a half sides so far. It’s fun going back and looking at a puzzle as an adult, logic instead of brute force. My wife also enjoyed the opportunity to point out once again that I’m just a big kid.
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