It's Been A While....


Shared on Thu, 11/22/2007 - 10:34

WoW...I can't believe that it has been over a month since I have been on here and posted a BLOG.  LIfe gets crazy and sometimes gets in the way of things we would like to be doing. Work has been crazy busy, But there is light at the end of the tunnel.  The calls are slowly going down, and the hold times are steadily getting shorter.  This will mean that the callers will (hopefully) Not yell at me when I answer the phone.  LOL It has been unreal.  But I love my job and my boss is amazing. 

My Supervisor, had a party at his house last weekend as sort of a "release" for all the billing stress that has acumulated since the conversion in October. It was an UGLY sweater party, LOL...of course it was like 85 degrees so no body wore them for long. It was soooooooooo much fun.  We were getting ready to play "drunkin' Charades" and I remember asking my boss if it had to be work appropiate..he laughed at me and said "Now Heather, not everyone watches Porn."  It was too funny. I ended up puting TEQUILA BODY SHOT..LOL no one picked it..but it wouold have been funny.  My manager said, what happens here stays here..LOL it was so much fun.  Kurupt went to, and I think he had a good time. 

A girlfriend of mine from work, she brought a bottle of Crown, and just the two of us drained that bottle dry. LOLOLOL  When I came into work the next day, I heard that my friend had ended up driving on a Golf Course after she left the party!! I am Guessing it was Good Times Had by ALL.

A Side from that, As many of you know, we have been having financial difficulties, and the support of our Clanmates over the past several months has been amazing.  We are about to break through this trying time.  Kurupt starts his new full time job, benifits from day one..on Friday.  The day after Thanksgiving.  We are excited and welcome this change.  We, as a couple are going through some marital hurdles also.  I am not going to say much, just that we are trying something new, hopefully that will save our marriage in the long run.  I believe that we both want to grow old together, however there is a long road from here to there.  And we keep stumbling along the way.  Not sure that we will make it to the end..but hopefully if we have to part, we part as friends.  Because God knows that I love him and need him in my life, somewhere. i do not think that I could make it with out his presence with me.

On a lighter note, it is Thanksgiving.  And even though my life seems to be falling apart..there are things to be thankful for.  So just to remind myself not all is lost, I will list them here and say them to myself.

1. I give thanks for my children and their laughter, god knows everyone deserves a happy childhood.

2. I give thanks for their health, and I pray for those families that are spending Thanksgiving watching their young ones being poked and prodded, running tests and praying for a miracle. My they find the miricle they seek.

3. I give thanks that my husbands condition is as mild as it is, and pray that one day we will overcome this together.  I pray that he will one day again, find his independence...and find what he is seeking out of Life.

4. I give thanks that I still have my mother, as sick as she maybe at times.  I pray that the powers that be will heal her, and give her strength to be victorious. 

5. I give thanks to those that have lended a hand, and have helped us up at times, especially since I thought we would never recover.

6. I give thanks for tradition.  These certain traditions, keep those loved ones lost close to our hearts and minds. 

7. I give thanks for New Opportunities" that are rising in our lives.

8. I give thanks for my family, as crazy as we all are, at least we are not crazy alone.

9. I give thanks for my job, which provides us the means to push forward, and seek happiness, where ever that maybe.

10. I give thanks for the internet, however it is a double edged sword. It can bring you together with people across the nation,  or tear you apart from those that you are the closest.

11. I give thanks that I am a mother, as it maybe the most important role I ever play, and it will either be my greatest acomplishment, or my most unforgiving failure.

I guess that I have said enough here this fine day.  I want to Wish all of 2 OLD 2 PLAY a happy, safe, Thanksgiving.






Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Thu, 11/22/2007 - 10:46
Happy Thanksgiving!! I am happy to see you blog again today, I was wondering where you had disappeared to!! Glad things are looking up....things don't stay crappy forever! Congrats to Kurupt on his new job...hopefully I will join the ranks of the employed again soon as well, lol.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Thu, 11/22/2007 - 11:14
It is good to see things are looking better for you and your family. The hope you continue to have will show benefits in the long run. I wish you continued good fortune and blessings to your family!
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Thu, 11/22/2007 - 13:11
Good luck with all your challenges, ackowledging them is a huge step in the right direction. Good luck!

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