Just a Blog


Shared on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 09:04

Well I felt like blogging fthis morning.  Things have gotten real hectic with the holidays around the corner.  Kurupt is working, so we are super busy right now.  I have been working overtime so that we can pay all our bills and have a decent chrtistmas.  He reaqlly enjoys his new job, and for that I am thankful.  He has never worked in a call center environment, and last Thursday, he took his first call in the training environment.  Almost imeediately after that he sezied.  I got an email at work stating that he was taken to Baylor in Plano via ambulance.  Of course I had to leave work and go make sure he was okay and bring him home.  I lost all the overtime I had worked that week, but luckily my check will still be 40 hours because of it.  He did tell the people he worked with about his sezure disorder, so it wasn't a big shock.  One of his triggers is stress, and apparently the trainer had built up that first call to the point that Matts was stressed to the max.  It was not a bad one because he was up the rest of the night, and played online.  No vomiting, no aches.  So that was good.  The dr wrote a script for him and now that he has insurance we should be able to get that filled soon.  He will be much better if we can get him back on his meds.  Also, as far as meds are concerned, my Dr g ave me samples of my bi-polar medication until my hubby's insurance kicks in.  So I am more leveled out and feeling much better.  I seem to have energy to spare and I am not as crabby as I used to be.  This has helped our relationship greatly.  We are getting along better, and I am thankful for that.  

We get to go Chyristmas shopping next week, and I am excited about that.  We have already decided what we are getting the kids.  Colby is getting a Game Cube and three games.  Haley is getting a portable DVD player and like 3 movies.  This portable DVD player is amazing.  It has a dock for her iPod! She is going to be sooo excited.  I already know what I am getting Matt, but I can't put that in here..sorry.  He reads my blogs on occasion.

I tried a new beer last night. It is highly recommended that if you can find it, pleasae give it a go.  It is rated as the best beer in the world.  DELIRIUM TREMENS.  It comes in Pints, and runs about 8.99 a bottle.  I liked it for several reasons.  1. It is very dry, like my favorite beer ASAHI.  2. It is carbonated like a champagne, I recomend you drink it from the bottle, we tried pouring it into glasses and got almost all head.  While head normally is a good thing, when you are referring to beer, it is not.  LOL.  The bottle is white with pink elephants on it.  Check it out if you get as chance. 

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meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 15:10
give me a piece of your boss' ass!! I'll kick it w/my Admin. Rad BS!!
YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 09:25
head bwahahahaha
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 09:39
I first had Asahi in Japan. My firend Kim and I were backpacking in August. Japan is hot, humid, and we were just disgusting. Since we were literally backpacking, the hot backpack against my hot back made for one sweaty situaion. I actually had salt marks on my t-shirt the next morning. Dying for a drink of anything cold, we found a vending machine. And in that machine? Beer! What a great fucking country!
COULOW's picture
Submitted by COULOW on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 18:32
Check this shit out....our new radiology director...DIRECTOR...is listed as... Blah Blah B.A. RT (R) You've got to be shitting me. I tire of this Supervisory bullshit. I wanna scream, "Sorry I was trained at MA General Hospital with the latest equipment by Harvard MDs." Asshats. All of em. They don't know the assertive bitch I can be. My direct Supervisor is Blah Blah A.S. RT (R)(CT)(MR) Riiight. I'm going straight to the MBA. I'm going to be a Vice President of the Hospital.
SexKitten's picture
Submitted by SexKitten on Sun, 12/09/2007 - 12:26
Beer in a vending machine??? I want one of those in my house!!!!!!!! LOL
Cerberus4417's picture
Submitted by Cerberus4417 on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 10:10
Good Luck with School. It can only help in the long run.
Armada99's picture
Submitted by Armada99 on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 10:37
Go on with your bad self. I've just about got myself talked into some higher learning. Make your supervisor your bitch!
char's picture
Submitted by char on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 11:26

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