My Saturday night....


Shared on Sun, 04/20/2008 - 06:38

I spent my Saturday with my dad and we had a blast.  It turned into a slumber party, lol.  It's 630 am and I haven't been to bed.  I know you say I never stay up that late anymore, well I didn't take my medicine, so it didn't knock me out.  I haven't visited with him in a long while it was over due.  My hubby went to bed about 1130-midnight.  I think I woke him up when I had to leave to go to the store. 

I have to take my dad home today and get my grandmother set up on my laptop, we traded.I want to make sure that she can access all her bank accounts and email and such.  She gave me hers because it has a built in camera :)  They are both ACERS, and she didn't care about the camera, in fact they have never even used it!  Matt has to work today, poo poo.  Kids are going to church with their granny.  Even though I don't believe in organized religion so to speak, I believe that my children should have the same opportunities I had, to make their own choices.

Well I hope everyone has a great Sunday!!


MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Sun, 04/20/2008 - 10:47
I'm right there with you about letting the children have a choice. I'm surprised you're granny has a computer, a laptop at that. My parents won't even think of using a computer and still do all their bills by money order or cash. lol They think direct deposit is too difficult! lol You're HOT! ;) MJ

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