America The Great?


Shared on Mon, 10/23/2006 - 07:31
America is one of the most influential nations in existence today. Our economy is absolutely thriving. We enjoy a quality of life that no other nation on the planet currently has to offer. What I had to wonder though, is if our country would be in the position of power it is if we weren't an imperial power. Yes, we're imperialistic, and anybody who would like to refute that, please feel free to comment.

If we were to bring home all of our soldiers, close up all our foreign military bases, relinquish control of provinces to their citizens, and shut down American owned farms on foreign soil...would we still be The Great America we know today? I don't have an answer but one does have to wonder if we are overreaching the rest of the world and that one day they may collectively cry "enough is enough".

On the game development front I'm settling down with the idea of cooking up a breakout-clone. Something simple, nothing too exciting, but at least it's something. I've started prototyping a basic level to see how I want to structure the design. I may start up a thread in off-topic to see if I can solicit some suggestions for cool power-ups and other game play ideas.

Unfortunately I didn't get much game-dev or WoW in this weekend. Another weekend of working on my dining room project. It's coming alone *very* nicely and I can't wait to finish it to post up the before/after pictures. I finished installing my custom 3-piece base molding and also finished up the wainscoting under the bay window. Tomorrow we're getting the old single-pane cracked & drafty windows replaced with some nice double-paned ones. After those are installed I can finish framing the bay window, install the chair rail over the wainscoting, and molding (joy).

Picture of the day


codemonkey's picture
Submitted by codemonkey on Mon, 10/23/2006 - 08:50
"I don't have an answer but one does have to wonder if we are overreaching the rest of the world and that one day they may collectively cry 'enough is enough'." When enough smaller countries can stop fighting each other, having, in effect "holy wars" (religion or otherwise) and look towards us for any consistent amount of time... then maybe "collectively" can happen. However, we humans don't really seem to work that well together. If half the world got together in a committee against us that would still give us 100 years of dominance (you see how fast committees work?) I guess it would be a bigger problem if the major players in Europe and Asia got mad. But most of them are sensible non-warlike folks. :) CodeMonkey

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