The crack is back...


Shared on Wed, 01/24/2007 - 07:40
In case you've been living in a gaming hole - the new world of warcrack expansion is out. I've started digging into it and it is definitely a lot of fun. My family and I have been feeling a bit under the weather for the last week so staying up playing until 1 a.m. hasn't really been an option as of late. Today's Penny-Arcade was just too good to not share with those of you who are not, you know, hip enough to grace their site. (click the image to view the full size)

I've been contemplating picking up a 360 solely because Fuzion Frenzy 2 is coming out and it's the one game my wife and I have a blast playing together. Those of you who played the original will no doubt recall hours of jumping & ducking. Of course I'd probably also pick up Uno and some variant of Tiger Woods. My wife is also really interested in a Wii (mine as well as Nintendo's) so as you can see, my decision is rife with dilemma. Guidance from you dual-gamer hubby & wifes out there would be appreciated.

And now I leave you with a little intellectually stimulating humor. Reach for it folks...


JollyRoger's picture
Submitted by JollyRoger on Wed, 01/24/2007 - 07:46
BrokenDesign's picture
Submitted by BrokenDesign on Wed, 01/24/2007 - 07:50
If you and your wife like adventure games / RPGs at all, you could give Kameo a try. My wife and I had a good time playing cooperatively. The difficulty of it is nice. It's simple enough that you're not going to be replaying sections over and over until you get things just right, but it's challenging enough to keep you interested. Now that it can be had for $20 it's quite worth it, but still might want to give it a rental first. Billiards is another good one, but it's kinda steep in price unless you can get it free with a Live kit as I did. My wife also likes Astropop pretty well, Hexic and I'd imagine Lumines Live, though she hasn't played it yet. Oh yeah, and the classic Table Tennis.
SGreth's picture
Submitted by SGreth on Wed, 01/24/2007 - 07:54
Oh yeah forgot to mention - my wife is *NOT* a gamer. I was pleasantly surprised she even liked fuzion frenzy as much as she did. That being said, forget about any FPS/RTS/RPG game suggestions :)
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Wed, 01/24/2007 - 08:05
I would definitely recommend getting a Wii. The interaction alone has gained my attention and I really wasn't much of a gamer. I am planning on getting another Wiimote this afternoon so Dastard and I can bowl, golf and play baseball together and not have one of us sitting on the couch waiting our turn! I'm hooked and so is he.
codemonkey's picture
Submitted by codemonkey on Wed, 01/24/2007 - 08:37
I know where you can get a used Xbox 360 for a good price :)

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