The gaming orgy continues!


Shared on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 10:36
Having your way with 3 games at the same time is hot. Totally.

As of late I've been guilty of logging hours against Team Fortress 2, Supreme Commander, World In Conflict, and that's just on the PC. I've also been plowing through Guitar Hero 2 on expert and having a stupidly good time rocking out. I think GH3 *may* be the title that gets me on the 360...the jury is still out though.

Back to the PC gaming though...

Supreme Commander
So far I've just been playing scrims against the CPU and loving it. The battles take so damn long that on a couple of occasions I've had to save and resume them later. They're just HUGE. I love it though, it's really an up-to-date version of Total Annihilation and I couldn't hope for anything more.

World In Conflict
The single player setting in this game is nothing short of fantastic. I've been playing one to two missions per night and it's like a good book you just can't put down. As for the multiplayer: unless you have friends you can play with, you're going to get your ass kicked. This game requires a huge amount of coordination and communication. Whatever unit type you're playing needs to be played in conjunction with other classes, otherwise you risk getting steamrolled pretty easily.

Team Fortress 2
This game continues to ooze with crazy amounts of awesome juice. The 2o2p TF2 server is generally always full and even better: it's usually full with 2o2p'ers and other friends of mine who don't frequent this site. Playing TF2 with friends is soooo freaking fun. "Hey Tex: repair my turret, I'm on my way back!!!!" Although many will complain (including myself) that the game is not balanced, in reality there is pretty much a counter-attack to every class combo/rush combo that you encounter. My only complaint right now is that there is only one CTF map. A soldier can not live on 2forts alone. So if you haven't pre-ordered HL2 Orange Box: get it and get ready for some awesome gaming!



SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 10:49
2forts is awesome!!! Though the battles are long probably because by now every PC gamer on the planet knows the tricks to 2forts. About countering in tf2, what do you counter a heavy medic with? another heavy medic? From what I have seen there isn't much to counter that other than a good sniper. I was up against a heavy with 3 medics, that didn't go well. On a contol point map how hard would it be to stop a heavy with two medics and each medic has a medic?
SGreth's picture
Submitted by SGreth on Thu, 10/04/2007 - 11:01
heavy/medic by themselves aren't too too bad, it's when they're ubercharged that the problems start showing up. On the assault maps, a well-timed ubercharge can pretty much end the map. I think either ubercharge needs to go away or the capture time for the assault maps needs to go up. Problem with upping the timer on the assault maps is that it's hard enough as it is to capture some of them. Increasing the timer will only result in more stalemates. As to the actual combo to attack medic/heavys with I'd say pyro/scout for close combat maps, and snipers for open maps.

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