Get Infected


Shared on Mon, 02/05/2007 - 14:49
I've been a huge fan of Infected Mushroom for years now. They haven't put out a new CD since '04 and it's too bad because in my opinion they are an excellent hybrid of rock & techno. If you're one of those "I can't stand techno" people but enjoy a good power-chord guitar strumming, give these guys a serious listen.

The video is a bit odd, but the track is awesome. It's due out on a new CD this spring.



NotStyro's picture
Submitted by NotStyro on Mon, 02/05/2007 - 22:50
A new Infected CD?! Awesome! They are a great Trance/Electronica duo. Great for gaming or exercising.
JollyRoger's picture
Submitted by JollyRoger on Mon, 02/05/2007 - 15:09
Rammstein is kind of the same way.

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