My first and maybe my last!


Shared on Thu, 05/15/2008 - 20:30
Well I've been on here trying to figure out all this blog stuff but I'm not very good at it. Consider this a trial run.Not much exciting in my life to write about,but I did recently come back from a vacation in Belize.


It was a blast I even got to dive the "World famous Blue Hole"


LuxDevil67's picture
Submitted by LuxDevil67 on Mon, 08/04/2008 - 16:39
blue hole first, then the andrea doria!
Bob's picture
Submitted by Bob on Thu, 05/15/2008 - 21:20
I believe its [youtube] tag[/youtube] have fun blogging bobs67
shred1's picture
Submitted by shred1 on Thu, 05/15/2008 - 23:17
Thanks Bob thats the ticket!

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