Back to the future....again


Shared on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 04:56

Well, there was alot of debate on who would win the race, and how

The voting was as follows.....Kitt with 3 votes.....General Lee with 4 votes........and the Delorean with 5 votes

However depending on the rules of the race (which I stated) depends on the winner,

Just a straight race, no turbo, no jet power, no weapons, no time travel etc......  the winner is clearly the General Lee

With turbo, jet powers, ect.....Kitt would win

With the abilty of time travel to either A, get to 88 mph and travel to the future to win the race, or B get to 88mph, and go in the past and sabatouge the other vehicles..........andvantage Delorean

Honerable mention goes to the A-Team van for thier mastermind driver Hannible, and the arsenal of weaponry hiding inside.....if they could manage to blow up Kitt, then they would stand at the top of the mountain.........untill all the ghost's inside the Ghostbuster mobile were set free upon its destruction!!!!


See you friday for our main event


M13a77's picture
Submitted by M13a77 on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 23:53
General Lee FTW.

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