my history with video games


Shared on Fri, 03/23/2007 - 18:37

Started out when I was about 7 or 8 years old, visiting my uncles house and hooked up to his tv was....Pong.....the old school one with the 2 sliders on either side of the box thing, it had 4 settings, slow, fast, big paddles, little paddles.......thats where I got my first taste.  Then Atari 2600 came out, (after shelling out probably close to hundreds of dollars worth of quarters at my local Arcade on the mall "Alladins Castle"), I begged my mom for it, she gave in,  memberable games: Combat, Boxing, Journey Escape, E.T.,  Burger Time, and  Adventure,,,,,(yeah, you remember!!!!)

 Then my uncle gave me his Arari 5200, with the telephone looking controler, with all the numbers, memorable games:  River Raid, Pac-Man, Galaga, Galaxian, and Football....and if anyone remembers playing Football on the 5200, those 20 minute 60 yard runs were brutal!!!!!!  I then traded a friend some GI Joe toys for a Coleco Vision, didnt really do much with it, I had Pitfall, and Donkey Kong, shortly there after came......Nintendo much joy this machine brought, coupled with massive anger and fits of temper!!!!!!!  memorable games, so many, but off the top of my head: Super Mario Bros, Legend Of Zelda, Castlevania,Metroid, Kid Icarus, Mike Tyson's Punchout, RC Pro Am, Double Dragon, Ikari Warriors, Contra, the list goes on, memorable moments:  Being the first one I knew who beat Mike Tyson (Mr Sandman gave me more trouble  lol), finally beating Metroid within the certain time limit and finding out Samus is a chic!!!  Having to constantly push up and down, and blowing the cartridges, and slamming them in the machine to get them to load, and my ability I learned, when pissed, throwing the controller and hiting the power button (probably why I couldnt load my games  lol)

  Then had The Genesis, and the Sega Genesis, didnt really get into them introduction to Sonic, cool, but got old.  Super Nintendo came out, I got it, loved it, games I played: Super Star Wars, Super Contra, Super Mario World, FZero, Mario Cart.  Had the Sega Saturn for like a week, dont really count that one......Then came Nintendo 64 with Mario 64, Star Wars Shadows of the Empire, Wrestlemania 2000.  Then Playstation and Ps2 eventually, not really gonna bore you with all the titles of those games, if it was Star Wars, I had it.....just a couple memorable titles.....MDK.....Resident Evil....& The Grand Theft Auto Series. 

Which brings us to the present, and I bought myself an Xbox  360 for Christmas last year, never bought the first Xbox, was always the PS2 guy, but I am sold on XBOX 360, my current line up is:  Halo 2, Star Wars Battlefront 2, WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007, Lost Planet, Condemend, LOTR BFME 2,  Saints Row, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and Oblivian, and as of February I got introduced to the online gaming community with Halo 2, good times!!!!

Ok, I'm tired of typing and looking at my 360 being all lonely!!!!! 

Later all

Sicrik.........aka....The Sick One


darththorn's picture
Submitted by darththorn on Sat, 03/24/2007 - 08:23
Welcome to the site and to Rebel Scum.
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Submitted by Devonsangel on Sat, 03/24/2007 - 17:04
Welcome to the blogging community!

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