The All-Nighter


Shared on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 00:36
As my clan unfortunately has had to hear too much of already, I am in work hell right now.

While my company is worldwide, we have smaller offices in each country with a main corporate one in the UK.  Being in a smaller office, we do not have a dedicated IT department here.  So at the beginning of each fiscal year (when money is available) we get some new equipment and our IT manager comes over from the UK to set it up.

So this year one of the tasks is to upgrade our mail server which was having space issues.  While my boss and I both split entertaining him normally, he had already scheduled a golf trip during this time.  So here I am in computer hell trying to get some things accomplished while wanting nothing but to get home and into my own bed.  I even booked a room down near my office but it looks more and more like I've just made a donation for an empty room.

Unfortunately, some of the restore tapes that we are trying to use are causing problems with this task.  So after a late Friday night (entertaining) and a long Saturday in the office we are now well on our way to an all nighter tonight.  It's 1:35 AM and while I've been here since 12:00 PM our IT person has been here since 8:00AM.

I luckily don't have to do many all nighters but when it comes about, it is always a challenge.  Anybody else have all-nighter horror stories?


DreadPirate75's picture
Submitted by DreadPirate75 on Thu, 04/19/2007 - 10:51
My all-nighter horror stories from work usually involve a body count... ...but don't worry. I assure you they were ALL bad guys.
SexKitten's picture
Submitted by SexKitten on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 07:02
That sucks man. I hope that you made it through the night with your sanity in what, I think that was lost a long time ago..
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 08:11
I have some all-nighter stories but they all involve being drunk so I don't think they apply.
ImaginaryEngr76's picture
Submitted by ImaginaryEngr76 on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 08:16
I used to work as a Plant Engineer in a previous life. It sucked because that meant that you usually got stuck directing a team of maintenance guys either on a holiday (the only time equipment could be shut down) or overnight. Not many things worse than spending your 4th of July, your Thanksgiving, or Christmas Eve working on Plant equipment while everyone else in the Plant was off. It really blew. That was the main reason that I got out of that line of work. Hopefully you'll get some comp time or OT pay out of the deal.

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