Good Weekend


Shared on Mon, 05/05/2008 - 12:01
I had a pretty good weekend. Stayed home from work on Friday and played GTAIV all day. Saturday I went out to my parent’s and went mushroom hunting. After that, we went swimming for a couple of hours and then play MarioKart until about 2am. Sunday we went to my future brother-in-laws college graduation party and ate some free grub. Then I went mushroom hunting and swimming again. I found some decent shrooms on both days, which was cool. I’m trying to make the most out of spring/summer this year. I feel like I kind of wasted last year and didn’t really do much. I’d like to get in a few camping trips this year. I thought about going camping in a couple of weeks, but then I was reminded that I have a business trip that week. That really sucks. With my luck, the weather will be nice here while I’m sitting is a stuffy meeting room listening to people talk about shit I couldn’t care less about.
The only negative thing from this weekend was the fact that I can’t log into 2o2p from my computer at home. I’ve ran my virus and spyware programs, but nothing I do seems to fix the problems. Any thoughts?
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