Monday Blues


Shared on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 12:06
Bleh, I really don’t want to be at work today. The weekend kind of sucked. Don’t you hate when you don’t feel like to enjoyed your weekend to it’s fullest? I always feel cheated when that happens. The good news is I get to leave work early today. The bad news is that I’m leaving early to go to the doctor. Saturday morning I noticed a fluttering in my chest. I dismissed it as a muscle spasm, but it kept occurring. All day Saturday and Sunday I kept having these fluttering feelings. This morning, I went ahead and made a doctors appointment. I started keeping a log of how often they are occurring. In the last two hours and forty-five minutes I’ve had 42 of these fluttering, spasm things. I hope it’s just a muscle or nerve problem and not a heart issue, but even if it’s not I should probably take this as a warning to change my eating and exercise habits.


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