Almost screwed the pooch big time...


Shared on Wed, 06/27/2007 - 15:22
I was reloading data in a development system when I saw one of my programs wasn't active. I opened the production environment to see if there were any differences in the code and didn't find any. I set the program to reactivate and went to lunch. When I returned I ran the program which loads data from one internal table to another (it's a Business Warehouse database if anyone is wondering). Starts right up and I prepare to wait it out... sometimes it takes several hours to run.

Fast forward 45 minutes and I'm talking to someone about an assessment they've done for a change to our Labor reporting system. It's just a change to a view inside the system that blah blah blah blah.... I completely stop listening as I hit refresh on my previous load job for the 15th time. The host name of the box on the bottom of the screen is production, not development. I literally almost crap myself while the nice lady in my cube is continuing to drone on about the problem. She must have sensed something cause she suddenly says, "I'll come back later" and leaves.

It wasn't as bad as it could have been. Since it was internal and we didn't extract data from our source system (thus changing the delta pointers) I was able to kill the job and reset the delta pointer internally. It's my once a year Freak OUT!!! Holy SHIT!!!! I almost broke the system Congress uses to bitch about how much money NASA is spending. OMFG!!! We're not talking a little broke... like 3 days of reload broke if it'd be one level lower.

I need a frikkin' drink.

I towed my Travel Trailer up to a state park last night. My wife needs a weekend of "scrap-booking" and asked if she could stay someplace where she couldn't hear the screaming angel's voices for a couple days. I plan on letting them swim and play down at the river all weekend where they'll be sleepy about 7:00 and go to bed... where upon I can drink beer and play games all night.

This leads me to waiting around for freaking Shadowrun matches. Is anyone else doing this? I turn on the xbox, see "15 friends online" and all seem to be in the same game. I park and wait it out hoping to join the next match but it takes like 20 minutes! I'm thinking of just running a joinable private bot match from now on instead of waiting and see who joins. Maybe there are several other folks out there twiddling their thumbs along with me.



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