Jobs I do not want.


Shared on Mon, 07/02/2007 - 12:43
"Grigioni, now back in Switzerland, said she could normally get tortoises to ejaculate within minutes, but spent months manually stimulating George and never extracted semen from him."

Weekend game fest rocked. Shadowrun is still holding my attention quite a bit and I got some "Me" time in with Company of Heroes, Guitar Hero II and C&C3 as well. I have 2 more songs on GHII until I've 5 stared all the songs on medium. Every once in a while I try a song on Hard which promptly bitch slaps be back down to my goal of 5 staring the Mediums. My daughter (4) and I were riding back from the state park and heard the Toadies Possum Kingdom and Mathew Sweet's Girldfriend on Sirius channel 24 (Lithium, 90's alternative) and she knew the name of both and sang along.

Read several articles on Call of Duty 4 today and watched Tank's video of the SAW shooting through walls at people. I also noticed that the people who played the new game compared it most to CoD2... which I own but have only played a couple minutes of due to the mature content. Might be time to break that puppy out and get past the frikkin Russian missions.

The wife may have a job interview to be a Band Director at a Catholic Elementary school at some point this week. If anyone reading says prayers from time to time, one would be more than welcome here. If you don't pray, a happy thought will work as well. ktnxbye.


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