
Shared on Fri, 12/29/2006 - 11:56

    As anyone who knows me and looks at my gamertag can clearly see, Piniatas have taken all of the free time I have plus a little bit of my GOW time. This game is addictive, addictive and addictive. Each time I reach a goal I am going for there is a new piniata that strolls by and catches my interest and there goes another 4 hours trying to get that one into my garden. I would definately recommend this game to anyone who liked the Sim games or Virtual Pets type games. Kids will love it because of the cute piniatas and bright colors and adults who like to be God and be challenged will love it for the huge amount there is to do in the game to master it.

     On to other things. Santa was good to me this year. DVDs of The Office season 1 & 2 (us version), The Office series 1( uk version), Pirates of the Carribean 2, and a $50 gift card to Best Buy which will either buy Viva Piniata or Rainbow Six. I haven't decided yet. If I don't get Viva Piniata though, I might just have to keep it as a rental until the end of time. My wife was happy with a DVD recorder and new speakers for her van, and all of the kids got exactly what they wanted. Great times with family and freinds all around. I hope each one of you had a great and rewarding holiday season.

     With the New Year right around the corner, it is time for my New Year resolution list. This year I am going to try to stick with them for at least a one month period, after that all bets are off. Okay here we go:

  • I will lose weight ( same every year)
  • I will workout (different from losing wieght)
  • I will take my children on at least 3 camping/fishing trips this year
  • I will try to reduce or quit smoking (notice I said try)

Thats about all I can think of for now but I might add more later if something becomes important to me. Thanks for reading the Wolf's Den and everyone have a Great and SAFE New Year!


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