I Feel Pretty, Oh so Pretty . . . . . .


Shared on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 17:11


I figured with all the swine flu hysteria, what better time than now to get sick.
So Thursday night, I started exhibiting all the classic symptoms of an oncoming cold. Said symptoms were brutal enough to prevent a good night’s sleep.
Therefore, Friday morning I was not surprised I felt like crap. Nor was I surprised when my loving wife told me I looked like shit. So I went to work.
Worked sucked. I made mid afternoon before I found an empty office space, crawled under a desk and slept hard for over an hour on a concrete floor. I awoke surprised. My cold had sprouted a fever and was starting to feel more and more flu-esque
Friday night Mrs. Snuphy caught me fetal on the couch in front of the tv, shivering under a blanket. She was surprised the tv was not on.
She accused me of having swine flu. I assured her that I did not feel death at my doorstep as the media has conditioned us to expect from pig ailments, and that I therefore was certainly not suffering from the dreaded ailment.
That’s about when she started telling friends and family that I was her swine with flu.
I don’t know if I had a bad cold or a mild flu. Regardless, I feel much better today. I’m hoping to get reacquainted with my console tonight, as it was extremely neglected last weekend.
Oh yeah. And to celebrate my survival, I grilled pork chuletas Sunday for supper.


bludjun's picture
Submitted by bludjun on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 17:41
As the weather gets nicer I'm hoping to do a little grilling in the next week or two. Those look awesome.
jcotter13's picture
Submitted by jcotter13 on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 18:58
MMM MMM Good Barbecued Swine...
Snuphy's picture
Submitted by Snuphy on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 19:03
I am a fan of the pig on so many levels.
JPNor's picture
Submitted by JPNor on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 19:44
That pork is making me hungry. That looks amazing.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 19:55
I am hungry for a pork biscut after seeing that
bunsen27's picture
Submitted by bunsen27 on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 21:12
Pulled Pork Should and ribs are the standard menu at the LAN Snuphy (HINT: suck up to Mrs. Snuphy to get the permission slip signed for Mar 2010) :) Oh I like the Swine with Flu line, that was pretty smart of your Mrs.
Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Mon, 05/04/2009 - 21:33
I have just read your last 5 blogs...and you are hilarious...sorry it took me so long to get over your penis fetish. :D
Maxxie's picture
Submitted by Maxxie on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 02:04
Awesome. Now I have to go grocery shopping... ;)
Claude505's picture
Submitted by Claude505 on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 08:33
Dude... can you post something that says NSFCD... Not Safe for the Calorie Deficient? That's making me way too hungry with 2.5hrs between me and lunch.
Claude505's picture
Submitted by Claude505 on Tue, 05/05/2009 - 08:43
And, I just caught up on the last few blogs... LOL! Ah... the joys of parenting... and the joys (trials) of being the only man in the house. My older daughter is three. I try to hold her off before she get's close enough to make me alter the stream. Let's hope that continues to work.

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