And Now for Something Entirely...


Shared on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 08:40


TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 09:03
Love. So cute!
Fish66's picture
Submitted by Fish66 on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 10:31
Ahwww......... cute. Ok, back to Manhood.
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 10:51
awe, yup, I'm forcing my wife to watch this.
FlobberWorm's picture
Submitted by FlobberWorm on Wed, 12/02/2009 - 10:00
OMG - that would even bring a smile to Dick Cheney's face. ;)

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