And So, A New Era Begins...


Shared on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 08:41

...or does it?

Has anything really changed? Yes, we elected our first black President, and I'm proud of our country for doing that.

But I'm hesitant to beleive that anything will really change. Obama chose Biden as his VP, a Washington insider if there ever was one. Its being speculated that the majority of Obama's cabinet will consist of Washington insiders. John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, Paul Volcker, etc... All experienced Washington politicians. Where's the change?

But, I will withhold judgement until he's had a chance to actually act as President. I hope others who are skeptical of our next President will do the same. I hope that the Right can rise above the pettiness that some on the Left demonstrated back when President Bush was elected.

Bush = Chimp, Bush has a low I.Q., Bush is a Nazi, Bush isn't my President, I'm moving to Canada... All these were themes I consistantly heard or read throughout the 8 years Bush was President.

I caution the Right to resist the urge to lash out in this manner. It's time for our Country to move past the hate and pettiness demonstrated by both sides, and someone has to take the first step.


In other news... Fallout 3 has me hooked worse then Heroin... I feel the need to Chase the Dragon every night. LOL.


SirRoberts's picture
Submitted by SirRoberts on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 08:46
Must play Fallout 3..... :o) I have only had about 4-5 hours of sleep a night because of this damn game.... This great... great... game...
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 08:47
Bro you must not be watching the news. Obama is the Change We Need, I heard it on the TV box.
YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 09:00
Fallout 3 FTW!!!! and Boobs
Armorsmith76's picture
Submitted by Armorsmith76 on Thu, 11/06/2008 - 00:00
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
IsNotNull's picture
Submitted by IsNotNull on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 09:09
Everyone seems to forget that Obama is a career Politician! Republican or Democrat, they're ALL a bunch of Good 'ol Boys who want to rule the world and live the good life. Our job was to pick the least worst one. It's not like after 4 years he's going to go back to farming or running his general store! I think Obama will make a difference, but you are right, not a whole lot is going to change.
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 09:16
Soup you will never catch that Dragon. GoW 2 on the 7th FTW!!!!
Go_Aachmed's picture
Submitted by Go_Aachmed on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 09:22
I'd move to Canada if it weren't for all the Canadians living there.
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 09:40
I'm just waiting to see him sworn into office on the Koran. I know that's going to happen because I got an e-mail that said it was.

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