How NOT to be a Military Poser


Shared on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 15:57

"GySgt Ableman was keen enough to spot this douche-bag walking through the Reno Airport in full dress blues with gloves and cover on. He stopped him near the baggage claim and running into three Drill Instructors wasn't something this guy had anticipated. If any of you know Gy Ableman, this kid was lucky to leave with all his teeth intact.

From the get go, it was obvious this kid was not a Marine. He claimed to be a PFC (wearing LCpl chevrons) and could not explain what a PFC chevron looked like and then couldn't explain the NCO stripe on his trousers. He had a collar emblem in the middle of his barracks cover and his belt was sticking out. No ribbons or badges, his trousers were way too long, not to mention he had on Sketcher boots instead of dress shoes and a civilian belt. We found this out after we demanded that he take off the blouse and cover.

Turns out he bought the uniform from a surplus store and his dad is a retired Navy Chief. Reno is a super-pro military area and this guy was soaking in the atta-boys. Lot of posers out there, watch out!"

- via email

Picture #1

His high and tight is not blended.  Noticable line in the hair.  What?  No Marksmanship badges?  You don't get out of Bootcamp without the rifle badge.  Also, no ribbons.  They are still bestowing the National Defense Medal to all armed forces members ever since 9/11 I believe.

Picture #2

Ok, Lance Corporal (E-3) chevrons, but he's wearing a blood stripe down the sides of his pants.  Only E-4s and above are permitted to wear the blood stripe, not E-3s.

Pants are horribly tailored.  Way too long.

Boots?  In Dress Blues?

Picture #3

Pants too long, belt sticking out and cut to the wrong length.  Military alignment of the belt non-existant.

Boy is lucky he didn't get his ass beat.

This is how a squared away Marine looks:




Of course, I'd be willing to see regulations relaxed if this was the result:




Buzz's picture
Submitted by Buzz on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 16:14
Fetal's picture
Submitted by Fetal on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 16:30
a jrotc group would be ashamed of how this guy looks. the pants make him look extra "special". he is kinda lucky no one beat his ass and he ran into some non-coms. i believe with all my heart if he ran into a a fresh E-2, the guy would be followed into a secluded arrea and summarily have his ass handed to pieces.
lostsupper's picture
Submitted by lostsupper on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 16:43
What delicious scandal! How dare he wear his clothes in such a manner. I'll be sure to mention this at my next garden party.
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Wed, 08/05/2009 - 16:45
Chibi chokes on sailor dong. ;) I was crippled for a few days after picking up Corporal, too. Fuuuuck that mess! I dig pic #3- you can tell he was getting a reaming from a DI- look at that hand gesture! "Listen to me, crazy- you're about a gnat's ass from me ripping your fucking head off!" :D
fatLUNCH's picture
Submitted by fatLUNCH on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 16:44
WOW what a fag.. i think i might have to kick his ass for even trying to do that shit.
Boulder's picture
Submitted by Boulder on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 16:53
WOW! As an ex-marine, I am deeply offended by posers. I won't even let my kids get near my stuff still. Being a Marine is something earned and not bought at a store. I am also surprised he didn't get his ass beat. I am very sensitive on this topic and I have been out of the Marines since 1994. Maybe they should have blood striped him. :) Not sure if many people know but when you receive the rank of E-4 you can either get smacked on the shoulders or catch a knee to the sides of your legs for this promotion. I personally threatened to beat the shit our of anyone who even thought about striping me. I have seen people put into the hospital over this tradition. However I had bruises from shoulder to elbow from about every promotion I got. I was a Corporal when I got out.
FatBastard's picture
Submitted by FatBastard on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 20:21
National Defense has been issued since Desert Shield/Storm. I was in the Navy and this dude looks like ass. Makes me laugh. Jarheads might not be smart, but theyre always squared away.
FatBastard's picture
Submitted by FatBastard on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 20:22
Edit from above: NDSM was also issued during the Vietnam era, but did come back in the early 90s.
davidicusxx's picture
Submitted by davidicusxx on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 23:21
What a looser. I would have known he wasn't a marine for one simple fact. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Marines don't travel in uniform. That's an army thing. You never see army troops in dress uniforms or class A's traveling either, so I KNOW you won't be seeing a marine in dress blues at an airport or some shit. As far as I know, Marines only wear uniforms during official Marine Corps formations, right? I.e: On base, funerals, color guard, etcetera. Douche!
darth_chibius's picture
Submitted by darth_chibius on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 14:53
meh, looks like a typical jarhead to me
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Thu, 07/30/2009 - 15:53
Boulder, I got "striped".... couldn't walk for 2 days afterwards.

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