The Ignorance of The Statements...


Shared on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 12:50

...made in this video just reinforce my opinion that some people are just plain stupid, and will always be that way.

There are 4-5 statements / observations made in this video that are just plain fictitious and ignorant. I used to like Bill Maher, but I can't respect someone who calls members of the Tea Party "Tea Baggers". It's crass and really not appropriate for regular TV (I know this is cable, but the remark has been uttered on the other networks consistantly).

And then, not to challenge your guest on the pure ignorance / stupidity of her comments... jeesh.


EDIT: I would love to know what her position is on drugging, raping, and sodomizing 13 year old girls is.


MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 13:10
I'm a racist and a bigot and a tea-bagger, and a nazi and a terrorist and I'm sure about 100 other things all cause I don't agree with the president and his policies. Mainly I'm only really an ass. lmao You gotta love these people that have NO clue as to what is really going on. No one gives a shit if the president is black, white, brown, orange, green, yellow, red, blue or whatever! The people disagree with him! What do you call the people that disagreed with Bush that weren't white men? Were they racist? Think about that! Oh, and BTW, it was a black man that showed up at that tea-party with the guns. Not a white man!
RogueRedneck's picture
Submitted by RogueRedneck on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 13:23
I'm so sick of this. The only people that are consistently making an issue of Obama's race are his supporters. God forbid we disagree based on his policy and leadership.
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 13:25
Dems are obsessed with race. They forget they championed separate but equal for nearly 80 years. They don't mind blacks are long as they come by once a week and collect their trash.
PeepshowJanitor's picture
Submitted by PeepshowJanitor on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 13:41
I just wish that the Tea Party wasn't primarily Republican, and wished these people had spoken up years ago. To me it just seems to suspect that there is a Democrat in office, and it is real close to election time. (House and Senate) I agree that it is ridiculous that people are saying that the tea party is a white supremisist movement, but some of her points were on target. The crap that Glen Beck, Rush, and Hannity spew is bigoted, and way off the mark. If these guys are stating that they have a problem with governmental policies as a whole, that would be great. But they are so far right, it's just a joke. For once I would love to hear someone state that our government is outta whack, and not pick a side (Left or Right wingers) Just so it is known, I am neither Democrat nor Republican. There is so much crap happening on both sides of the aisle to pick one side to support, always has been. So, if you have a problem with government as a whole, with the policies of our president as a middle of the road kinda person, great. If you target one side because of your political party beliefs, that is just ridiculous. Neither side is good.
pendragon's picture
Submitted by pendragon on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 13:43
Ofcourse conservatives are going to disagree with Obama's admin. They are conservative. He is liberal. He is a liberal President, runing his admin with liberal bias, and conservatives are counter to that philosophy. That's how Liberals react to Conservative Presidents too. Obama is not our "Black President", there is no such title in our Government. He's our President. He is entitled to all the same treatments that any other President recieved. Along with being a liberal President will come Conservative oppisition to his policies. Honestly though, I haven't seen the attacks on Obama come any where near the attacks on Bush. They(She) accused Bush of blowing up the levies in NO, of being a terrorist, of planning the 9/11 attacks, etc., etc..... And they are still attacking Bush to this day. She, and others like her, are really abusing the race card in their defense of their President. I think it betrays herself as a rascist, as she can only see the racial differences. She perpetuates a racial divide, and racial conflict. See what I did there. It's easy to play the race card. You never see her debating opposition, she is always doing "hit and run" opinion attacks that she doesn't have to ever defend.
Rau's picture
Submitted by Rau on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 14:16
I swear, Janeane gets some plastic surgery and she's fucking everywhere now. I saw her Tuesday night on Joy Behar's show, and she was wearing a hoodie, looking like the white trash she is. Oh, and she clearly says that Peep is a racist who supports white power.
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 14:31
So, she's ok with us disagreeing with the president, but if we disagree with the president than that's a whole other issue, and god forbid if we disagree with him, because that would just be unspeakable, but she has no problem if we were to only disagree with him.... so, unless I am a blak, gay, pro choice, muslum, tranny, with a learning disability who doesn't own a gun, than it's racist, white power I understanding this right?
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 14:45
Peep, but that is the problem. The Tea Party isn't primarily Republican. It's seen that way, but you'd be surprised at how big of a percentage of the Tea Party is more Libertarian and Independent. I think the majority of the people who are members of the Tea Party would take issue with your point that they are "so far right". Not even close. The Republican Party better watch their step in claiming allegiance with the Tea party. They are on very shaky ground, and the party can and will just as easily turn on them as anyone else in power. Stop listening to the networks Peep. All they do is push their agenda upon you, and that agenda is to smear anyone associated with the Tea Party. Read the blogs and the web pages of the party and look at how big it continues to grow. They do not want to be affiliated with Republicans, Democrats, or anyone else in power in the Government, because they do not trust those people. It goes back farther then Obama... it just really exploded this year. "The turning point they and other tea partiers point to occurred during a Republican administration: The $700 billion financial bailout signed by President Bush last October."
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 14:54
Yeah, even as much as I supported Bush through all the hard decisions he had to make....that one I will not try to defend. if a business is poorly run, or no longer needed, it dies. That is rull #1 of economics, and he broke that rule for a short term gain and a massive, very long term loss.
LadiesLuvMe's picture
Submitted by LadiesLuvMe on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 15:07
She is a complete idiot - always has been. And Friedman is there bobbing his head like an idiot. Unreal the shit these people say and get away with. I agree with the sentiment and reaction that you guys have shared. I also agree that the two political parties are not good for this country. I am really fed up with the BS coming from both sides of the isle that are completely intended to keep Americans distracted with political BS that creates division, thereby supporting their parties. It is a smoke screen to distract people from how completely incompetent and corrupt the federal government is and to keep them in power. One thing I do disagree with Peep a bit on is that the frustration that many people have with the government did not just start with Obama. You could say that the first sign of it occurred when the Republicans lost their majorities. It was due to a lot of things, but one big reason is because they were spending like drunk sailors and Bush never vetoed a spending bill that they sent to him. The party was drunk with power and abandoned their supposed "fiscal responsibility" mantle that they were supposed to stand for, and paid for it as a result - first step of the "Tea Party" mentality (and it was a bi-partisan effort). I am a registered Republican but have not given any $ to the Republican party (or any party) for five or six years because of their spending during that time. Many Republican's did not vote or voted for someone else as a mini-Tea Party against "our" own party to try to send a message. Democrats during Bush' terms were crowing with the amount of spending he and the Republicans did when in power (and rightfully so). Now Obama and the Dems are tripling or more the spending and our deficit to unmanageable levels. Our country is actually bankrupt when you look at the tens of trillions of unfunded entitlement obligations the federal government has with Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. The obligations are literally so large that we can't possibly pay for them not matter how many people you tax and how high you tax them. And now the government is wanting to significantly add on to the pile!?!?!? Americans may not know all of the details and fine points, but they don't have too. It is easy to understand that we have a mountain of liabilities we can't pay for, and current policies will make things even worse. The recent recession and financial collapses have made people really realize the problems with debt from a personal standpoint, and it is easy to apply that logic/lesson to our government's actions. People are fed up with it, and you are seeing the tipping point happen in the form of these Tea Parties and other feedback from the American people. There are many more Dems involved in these activities and that are frustrated, but the mainstream media has been doing a good job of trying to position this frustration as a right wing thing (ala Garafilo and other idiots). They operate in their own bubble of unreality - it is much more widespread across different political beliefs, races, etc. than is being depicted. This is not extreme politics, it is the people of the US standing up to our politicians and system demanding to be heard and properly represented. I think there is more of this to come - nothing is going on politically to make me feel better about Washington, the policies they are pushing (despite widespread majority opposition from the American people) and the people that supposedly represent us.
shred1's picture
Submitted by shred1 on Mon, 10/05/2009 - 18:20
Even Obama said this shit isn't about race."I was black before the election."
Bee's picture
Submitted by Bee on Tue, 10/06/2009 - 03:50
I like how she brings up black people showing up to a mccain rally with a gun. I guess I would feel the same way I would with a black guy showing up to an obama rally: and the man with the gun:
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Wed, 10/07/2009 - 10:25
You should know that actors cannot be held accountable for the stupidity of their statements or be expected to provide any kind of material to back up their claims. You fool!!! And as far as people like Jimmy Carter and Janeane claiming that objections to President Obama's policies stem from racism, well, there are many others like former President Bill Clinton (and President Obama himself) that disagree with those statements. Also, let's be honest, there has been a negative reaction to us having the first black president. Hate group numbers have surged since his election and there is undeniably a large portion of this country, on both sides of the fence, that are racists at some level or another. Do I think that everyone who disagrees with the president is a racist? Absolutely not. However, there are plenty of people that would love to see him fail simply because he's black.

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