Oh the Humanity!!!


Shared on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 13:14


Rayne46's picture
Submitted by Rayne46 on Sun, 11/23/2008 - 07:20
Lol, I can't believe how long that girl was crying, you'd have thought someone just shot her dog or something. The older (hot) sister of one of them was normal and seemed amused with their "timmie" meltdown so hopefully it's just a passing phase.
NoGame22's picture
Submitted by NoGame22 on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 13:25
GIJoeBob's picture
Submitted by GIJoeBob on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 13:29
What just happened?
MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 13:31
I'm not sure if I should say WTF to the vid or soup. Dude, you need to quit the fucking drugs that are messing with your head and causing you to look up videos about little girls and american idol. MJ
hudsmack's picture
Submitted by hudsmack on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 13:31
With as many people that watch that show and vote, how come these dudes don't sell any albums? Almost all of them have been dropped from their labels.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 13:34
Because they all suck.
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 13:34
I wish I was on drugs! This is just normally me! Think of what I'd be like if I was on drugs!
Zikan's picture
Submitted by Zikan on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 13:36
This is Soup. This is Soup on drugs. Any questions? I think we could make that work.
FreynApThyr's picture
Submitted by FreynApThyr on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 13:40
1-Shock 2-Denial 3-Bargaining 4-Guilt 5-Anger 6-Depression 7-Acceptance and Hope I thought the tall one was hot.
Submitted by SUICIDESQUIRREL on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 13:41
it's working for me. I never want to do drugs again. I swear I'm off of them..... thank you Soup, thank you.
Hoplite's picture
Submitted by Hoplite on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 14:05
*clap* *clap* *clap* The best part is knowing who wins and how distraught these little teeny boppers are gonna be. I didn't expect the crying though lol. Parents coming in? Bonus. Looking forward to this year....
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 14:18
You just made me glad to be old. And glad my kids are old. I would have used a flamethrower in that room. They are worse than the zombies.
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 14:23
wow... I wonder if videos like that could be used in the future to prevent people like that from getting security clearances.............................
Drost's picture
Submitted by Drost on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 14:26
Christ. I have a daughter. Is this what I have to look forward to? Goddammit, I'm going to have to increase the dosage of Metal.
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 14:42
@Drost. Hope for a tomboy or your fucked. :)
Snuphy's picture
Submitted by Snuphy on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 15:02
I have 3 kids, all girls. I have nightmares about crap like this.
LOSTRO's picture
Submitted by LOSTRO on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 15:05
2 funny parts 1st the crying then 2nd one of the lil girls sayin she bet $50 on it and she doesnt even have $50
moesley's picture
Submitted by moesley on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 15:08
*rofl* i don't know what's better, their reaction or the reactions of all the 2o2p'ers who have teen/pre-teen daughters and just went through their own little version of "what a bunch of dumbass teenage drama queens......wtf?....waitafugginsecond, MY DAUGHTER is gonna be JUST LIKE THIS in (insert number of days/years)
millfire517's picture
Submitted by millfire517 on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 15:17
god i see a future prozac group, what a bunch of titty babies
Go_Aachmed's picture
Submitted by Go_Aachmed on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 16:56
We truly live in a cruel and unjust world. Save us Obamawan... you're our only hope.
Dahji's picture
Submitted by Dahji on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 16:56
...and people actually ask me why I don't have any kids.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 19:47
it good they learn how to scream and squelch now, cause that will come in handy later when they are getting their cherries popped... >:}
Dahji's picture
Submitted by Dahji on Sat, 11/22/2008 - 14:41
LB, I think I love you.
FlobberWorm's picture
Submitted by FlobberWorm on Sat, 11/22/2008 - 22:28
Oh dear God - my 5 year old princess will someday be like that??? But seriously - how different was that video than say a video of a bar in New England during last year's SuperBowl?

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