Shared on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 12:55So, myself, my daughter, Speedbmp, and his wife, took off to the Gaylord Texan hotel this weekend to view possibly one of the largest gaming Cons in the US.
It sure had to be one of the stinkiest. But I digress.
QuakeCon was packed. I'd estimate anywhere from 2,000-3,000 people out there. There were many vendors. Not as many as PAX or some of the others, but enough to make it interesting. There were plenty of game demos being played, among them Wolfenstein, Wet, Quake, Global Agenda, Brink, and Rage.
Granted, QuakeCon is 99% PC gamers, but they are working hard at trying to incorporate consoles into the mix, and should be able to more and more in the coming years.
For a quick run-down:
Wet - Looked interesting. The protagonist is a female who can pretty much kick anyone's ass. She uses a mix of 3 different fighting styles. Guns, sword, and acrobatics. The game is a 3rd person shooter, but still looked pretty nice. It has potential.
Brink - I didn't see a demo for this game, nor the Q&A that showed off some actual game play. A supposed FPS, there wasn't a huge prescence at QuakeCon.
Rage -I've got mixed feelings about this one. We went to the revealing of it at the main stage, and to say the least, it was gorgeous. But, at the same time, as I watched it, all I could think of was how similar it was to Borderlands, which is due to come out in September or October. Post apocalyptic world? Check. Vehicles to drive? Check. Multiple variations of weapons? Check. However, Rage trumps Borderlands when it comes to the graphics. So, I wonder if the RAGE developers somehow picked up on Gearbox's idea (Gearbox has been working on Borderlands for almost 3 years) and decided to make something similar. We'll see I guess.
Global Agenda -This was possibly the most interesting demo being played. It's the next "BIG" MMO. However, it's a FPS MMO. Think WoW set in space, except with less choices when it comes to classes to play. This game has a lot of potential, and could possibly succeed where Huxley is about to fail (Huxley still hasn't released).
The one game I did get to play, really wasn't a demo of the game. It was a demo of what Nvidia can do with their chips. They had a big LCD screen set up, and a couple of couches. The game being played was Burnout Paradise. But, it was being played in 3D. Watching the game without 3D glasses was hard, but once you were able to play, you put on a special pair of glasses that were linked to the 360 controller.
The effect was frigging awesome. The game literally jumped out at you, and was kick-ass to play. Behind the TV, they had a couple of PCs set up running Arkham Asylum with the same 3D glasses. Again. It was pretty sweet looking.
Unfortunately, we probably won't be seeing this on the 360 soon. The 360 doesn't carry the Nvidia chip used to run the 3D effect. However, the PS3 does. Suxor.
Anyhows, although I really didn't get a chance to play any of the demos (keeping track of a 7 year old girl in a group of people over 2,000 is consuming) what I did see was interesting.
I was also able to snag 4 freebie shirts (Alienware (x2), Brink, Tritton) and bought a pretty kewl shirt that relates to Halo and the BR.
I'll post pics laters.
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Submitted by budman24 on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 13:11
Submitted by Caesar on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 13:13
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 13:22
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 13:37
Submitted by vatoloco on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 11:23