A Trip to the Vet


Shared on Mon, 09/21/2009 - 12:39

So, our new kitty cat appears to have gotten bit by a spider on her lower lip. It's been over a week now, and the swelling hasn't gone down. Nor has her lip fallen off (not a brown recluse bite). She's eating, drinking, and acting fine.

But, since the swelling hasn't gone down, I figure I need to take her into the Vet to get it checked out. We have a cat carrier, but I forgot how bad our new kitty travels. Not just bad, but horrible.

We start or way to the vet, and she appears all calm and collected in the carrier. Then, about half way there, she starts "yowling" and moving around in the carrier. Then the smell hits me. She's lost control of her bowels and has shat in the carrier. I'm on the highway and pull off into the local Target parking lot. Before I can stop, I hear her hurling up her stomach contents inside the carrier as well.

Thank god I had a towel in there. I stop, take the carrier apart so I don't have to pull her out through the shit. I take the carrier out and put it into the trunk. I get back in and we keep heading to the vet.

She's seems to be doing fine, and we make it to the Vet without any further incidents. However, the Vet is not in the office this morning. His office is open, but he's out of town.

FUCK. So, I take her and hop in the car and head towards another Vet I know of and have used before.

She's sitting in my lap, and is very calm and collected. Or so I thought.

The next thing I know, she starts "yowling" again. Then the smell hits me again, and the cat moved out of my lap... leaving behind four little piles of kitty shit on my shorts. Fuck. Me.

So, I had to turn around and make for home as fast as I could. By then, the cat was dry-heaving and was just in pure misery.


Got home. Changed clothes, cleaned cat, and cleaned car.

Never made it to the vet.

*sigh* Even my family's animals have the Griswald curse.


budman24's picture
Submitted by budman24 on Mon, 09/21/2009 - 12:47
Oh man. That sucks and I hope your cat gets better
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Mon, 09/21/2009 - 12:50
You just made me feel so much better about the fight we have to go through getting our cats to the vet. Hope your kitty gets better
jcotter13's picture
Submitted by jcotter13 on Mon, 09/21/2009 - 13:21
Kitty car trips are never fun. Hope she gets better bro.
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Mon, 09/21/2009 - 14:16
The cat had it all planned. She has been secretly plotting to get you alone in the car just so she could have an excuse to shit on you. Carsick...my ass. And check the lip...I bet it was all makeup. Cats are evil.
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Mon, 09/21/2009 - 14:28
Damn, your cat looks like she has rabies!
BCKinetic's picture
Submitted by BCKinetic on Mon, 09/21/2009 - 16:22
Soup, you should check out some kitty "downers" at you local pet supply place. There are some fairly good over the counter things that will help calm her in the car without the fear of ODing her. That really sucks man. I've had some bad cat experiences, but nothing like that.

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