Now I know how it feels


Shared on Tue, 07/31/2007 - 17:03
A coupe days ago, my beloved 360 died. There were no warning signs, just 3 red lights. I always used to laugh at people who lost their 360 to the ring of death, because I thought it'd never happen to me. Now who's laughing? I tried everything I could, but I couldn't revive it. You probably know what the story is... you send it back to Microsoft in a coffin and they'll send you back a referbished one. They told me the process could take longer than a month, and I just about broke down and cried. I play every day for the love of god!

The next day I was thinking about getting another one, but the guy at the game store offered me a rental for $80. He said I could keep it until I get mine back. Although it really sucks to have to pay $80 out of the blue like that, I was glad there was a solution other than spending $500 on a new one.

So the moral of the story is - never laugh at others misfortunes, it will always come back to you one way or another.

RIP Byrd Box


ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Tue, 07/31/2007 - 17:14
Everyone's 360 will eventually get the three red lights. This is not a unit that will last you more than 3 years. If so you are extremely lucky.

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