The world is going to end!


Shared on Tue, 02/20/2007 - 13:54
Just as a warning, this blog entry isn’t mean to scare anybody. I would just like to call it interesting information. So here it is…

For the past four years, I’ve been an avid listener of a talk radio program called “Coast to Coast AM.” It usually starts at midnight and runs until 5AM. The topics covered are usually those that don’t exist in the mass media – things like UFO’s, the paranormal, unique discoveries and etc… The host of the show usually invites a guest that is a specialist in the particular field of the subject for the night. I don’t usually believe everything I hear, but I always find it interesting.

Lately, they’ve been having a lot of discussions about the end of civilization. I am by no means a scientist, or even understand this information thoroughly - but I’ll try and explain.

The popular theory they were discussing comes from Mayan civilization and a calendar they Mayan people developed many years ago. It states that in December of 2012, our earth will come to the end of its current cycle and reset itself. The plane of our Solar System will line up exactly with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. This will cause the earth to somewhat implode, pushing the equator inwards about 10 miles and immediately back outwards to its previous position.

What does this mean for us you ask? While this is happening, scientists believe that land and water as we know it will be reversed. All land will become the sea, and what’s beneath the sea will become land. This will probably happen so fast that you won’t feel a thing. We will be submerged 100 ft below water before we realize what’s going on. There is apparently proof of this: just of the coast of Japan – there is apparently a sunken city about 5 times the size of New York and another one located near Brazil that have been discovered. Also, at the top of some mountains – there has been choral reef-type landscape discovered. This means that the earth has already been through other cycles.

A lesser-known thought presented on the show is that our solar system is about to be hit by a giant cosmic dust cloud within the next ten years that will completely cover and exterminate anything it touches. There have been discoveries of a “cosmic dust” layer while digging deep down below the earth’s surface, which means that this has happened before. The dust apparently sticks around for about 3000 years preserving everything underneath it.

So, we have a lot of possibilities here - a giant cosmic dust cloud, earth implosion, asteroids, the sun exploding, disease, global warming and aliens taking us over. I hope none of them happen, (well, the alien one  might be kinda cool) but only time will tell.

So who’s up for Lost Planet tonight?


P.S. If you want further info on the destruction of civilization, I’d recommend listening the Coast to Coast AM, or goggling “Mayan calendar.”


DreadPirate75's picture
Submitted by DreadPirate75 on Tue, 02/20/2007 - 13:57
2012??? Well, hopefully I will have already grabbed all the gear I need from Kharazan by then.
Go_Aachmed's picture
Submitted by Go_Aachmed on Tue, 02/20/2007 - 14:15
Yeah, coast to coast also said life as we know it was going to end at Y2K. We were going to have wide spread Nuclear meltdowns and accidental launches from military missle systems etc. Oh well, made for good tv. Your right though, it is a fun show to listen to.
XSSmoke's picture
Submitted by XSSmoke on Tue, 02/20/2007 - 14:33
kharazan gear for sure, am I gonna need to keep a fire resist set handy? wait, maybe it's a nature resist event.
darththorn's picture
Submitted by darththorn on Tue, 02/20/2007 - 19:06
I used to listen to that show years ago, very interesting stuff. I'm never up that early anymore to listen to it.

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