I hope this will be the greatest story ever told.


Shared on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 15:33

This Friday I will be going down a road less traveled. Much like the story of Genesis, it starts with a bite from the fruit of the tree of knowledge. I will be taking a bite of the apple.

Many things have brought me to this fork in the road, and seeing as I am a slow typer I will keep it very short. I have researched, and studied, and consulted and made many enemies of sales reps for AT&T. I NEVER, never never buy a tech gadget on a whim. I look for very specific things and how it will effect, and benefit my life before I make a purchase. I am right much of the time, but not all.

Some changes in the workplace have played a major part in this decision. The worst being the new rule of NO streaming media. That is not such a bad thing, but many of those appointed to rule over me, and there are many, have no understanding of what is streaming and what it is archival. So in the interest of sounding important, and saving time, ALL video media is banned. One of "them" said it like this. "If you can click the play button.... DON'T!"

This leads most of us to either submit, or find other ways of getting media. Some sneak it, some just break the new rule when they think no one is watching, and some give up and read. Many others have found a new fountain of information, the iPhone. It is fast and can do almost all of what I can on my computer at work, with the only downside being a smaller screen to youtube on.

I have been a razr user for years now, and have never had an open front phone, always a flip for me. It is a new experience, but I am hopeful that it will be a good one.

Anyway, it keeps me under the radar at work, and lets me surf when my wife is behind the wheel.

And as long as AT&T lets us stream I will stay with the iPhone. And my work computer can stay just for work.



Flywalker's picture
Submitted by Flywalker on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 15:56
what are you talking about no streaming media? I have an app that i got at the app store that will let me stream TWIT. Let them try to make me quit, I didnt sign anything saying that i would not stream media. They are just jerking you around, dont pay any attention to the little idiots that work at teh att store and oh bTW. DO NOT LET THEM PUT YOUR SIM CARD IN YOUR IPHONE, Make them give you a new sim card and you put your contacts into the phone. If they put your sim card from your razor into your iphone you WILL loose Most if not all of your contacts. I did and they almost had to call the police becasue i was about to tear the little zit faced kids head off.
SPEEDBYRD's picture
Submitted by SPEEDBYRD on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 16:37
Ok, I fixed the post. I can't stream with a WORK computer, that is why I am going with the iPhone.
Flywalker's picture
Submitted by Flywalker on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 16:40
Well that is different.
pythonista's picture
Submitted by pythonista on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 19:02
I miss you guys. Doing the LAN?
SPEEDBYRD's picture
Submitted by SPEEDBYRD on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 09:02
I am not this year. Too much to do in Memphis. And I thought you and Al were lost to the world... of Warcraft. Good to see ya Python

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