A Drought on the Way


Shared on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 12:29

Things are starting to get nuts for me and I'm afraid that my gaming time is going to enter a drought period very soon.

The wife and I close on our new home on the 23rd of May, and  I will most likely spend the week of Memorial Day doing renovations; remove the popcorn ceilings, paint, and put down hardwood throughout most of the house. (I'll post before and after pics at some point.) I highly doubt I'll be playing any Xbox from that time until we move in, somewhere around the 7-9th of June.  Between now and then, I'm wrapped up in "moving mode". Packing up a house is a pain in the butt.

After the move is all taken care of, it's time for me to take care of my National Guard summer camp obligation. I'll be headed to San Antonio for two weeks in July. That may actually turn out to be a break for me as we will be staying in a hotel (hopefully near the Riverwalk). My intent is to bring my trusty Xbox with me and jack the hotel internet if possible. Anyone know if it's possible to run a 360 online through hotel internet? I know that some hotels have crazy firewalls that could be an obstacle. If that works, I'll be online A LOT during that time, since I will have unlimited access to the TV/internet and no wife around to assign me other things to take up my time. Here's hoping.

Finally, this is also the Summer of Weddings. So far, the wife and I have been to one and we have at least one per month that we either have to participate in or attend between now and October!! People need to start going to the Justice of the Peace and start leaving us alone!!

Like I said, the drought is coming. For those of you that I play with on a fairly regular basis, please forgive me if I pop in and out of games/parties from time to time. I'm trying to get my fix, but as we all know, things pop up that must be dealt with. See you online!! (I hope...)




Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 12:31
yeah most hotels have broadband in the room, all you do is plug and play i did it in chicago
Steedman's picture
Submitted by Steedman on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 14:25
Thanks Caesar! I'm bringing my Xbox fo' sho' then!!

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