Random Update


Shared on Fri, 12/21/2007 - 16:18
Christmas shopping is done. As of last Sunday. Boy, was THAT fun. Really, it wasn't TOO bad since I accompanied my sister. Seems like it's better that way. I, of course, do most of all my shopping online, so I didn't buy too much. I'm still waiting on Dad's gift to arrive via Priority mail. I hope I get it tomorrow, or at least by Monday.

We're hosting Jon's family's dinner at the house, almost completely prepared for it, just some dusting and vacuuming and a tad more decorating to be done tonight and tomorrow. Unfortunately, I think the kitchen floor is going to have problems since it's supposed to rain/snow tonight. With 4 dogs, keeping the kitchen floor absolutely clean is quite the task. Especially when 3 of them see mud or puddles and just have to walk in it. Flash is the only one who's like, "ew! mud! ew! puddles! ew!" And that's exactly how it looks when he walks around in the backyard as well. If a basset hound can be caught tip-toeing, Flash is the one.

Saw I Am Legend last Friday. Something about the last parts of it kind of had me disappointed, but overall it was pretty good. Loved the German Shepard in it! Looking forward to PS I Love You, Alien vs Predator R, and Cloverfield :) Cloverfield better not suck either - J.J. Abrams, I'm looking at you sir.

Oh, and cancer sucks. Found out a couple of weeks ago that my favorite aunt has stage 3 colon cancer. She has a 35% chance of making it through. :( I hope she does, she's awesome, plus her oldest daughter is getting married this summer, and she has an adorable grandson from her youngest daughter who needs his grandma. *sigh*

Also found out that Jon has pancreatic cancer. They caught it extremely early, luckily, so they are hoping at least 7 treatments will zap it. I went with him to his second treatment yesterday, and they are going to do another CT-scan around the 4th treatment to see if the tumor is shrinking. If it is shrinking, then they will continue with treatment as is, if not, then they will have to do surgery. The doctors keep telling him how lucky he is that they caught it THIS early. And the only reason they caught it was because they noticed an abnormality while they were looking at the CT-scans from when he fell last New Years. One of those weird things where if he would have taken care of the fall as soon as it happened and that stupid bump never showed up, they wouldn't have done the CT-scans, and probably wouldn't have caught the tumor until it was too late, and it was spreading. So maybe not going to see the doctor as soon as that happened was a good thing. The doctor just confirmed that he indeed does have cancer two and a half weeks ago, so this is all kind of shocking/nerve wracking to say the least.

The corporation, Dulce Design is now coming into fruition. We should close on the business deal January 14th or 15th. So nervous! Next week I will have to turn in my letter of resignation to my bosses. I still need to find out when training is. I believe it begins the last week of January, which will work out perfectly. That'll give the people here almost an entire month to find a replacement.

Well, I'm really looking forward to the next 5 days. I'll be gone from work until Thursday. During that time, when I'm not cooking/baking/stuffing my face/hopefully playing some Xbox (please!), I'll need to come up with a letter. Yuck. Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful (and safe!) holiday.


millfire517's picture
Submitted by millfire517 on Fri, 01/04/2008 - 00:52
sorry to hear about your husband and aunt, i hope they both can recover totally with no problems, my best friends son was diagnosed with the lesser aggressive form of childhood leukemia. cant remember the correct term for it, but the doctors said if he was to have it this was the best form of it. although i wouldnt want to have any form of it. and my buddies kid is actually doing pretty well so take care and hope things change for the better

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