Too Slow! I Fail!


Shared on Sun, 08/26/2007 - 12:09
I was in the area of our local Circuit City yesterday, and decided to drop by and pick up a copy of Bioshock...HAHA....I waited too long, they have none, not even any online. So either I'm going to wait until they get some more or fight mall traffic to get to Best Buy today sometime. Hmm...


biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Sun, 08/26/2007 - 12:30
It seems to me that the places that specialize in games and gaming equipment run out first while retailers that carry a wide range of products (like Target, Wal-Mart, Fye, etc.) are more likely to have newer, high demand games. I went to EB Games to get Bioshock last Tuesday and they were sold out. I went across the mall to Fye and asked him if they still had it. They said, "Yeah, we have it.", as if it were a silly question.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Sun, 08/26/2007 - 13:16
What's worse is that it's now 59.99 instead of 49.99 like it was all last week ending Saturday. Best BUy has it in stock though. But if you're going to pay full price you can pretty much pick it up anywhere : EB/Gamestop, GameKrazy, Target, Walmart, Best Buy, compusa, they'll all have it for full price.
BalekFekete's picture
Submitted by BalekFekete on Sun, 08/26/2007 - 14:37
Fight the traffic - trust me, it's well worth it. :)
sweetdulce's picture
Submitted by sweetdulce on Sun, 08/26/2007 - 14:42
I'll probably end up going either to Hastings or Best Buy. Probably Best Buy since I have a gift card I need to use.
TheCrazyPerson's picture
Submitted by TheCrazyPerson on Sun, 08/26/2007 - 15:39
I fell asleep watching Smoke play it Friday night, but it was good!

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