Shared on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 10:43Halo 2, and really any game you play on Live, is all about Perspective. Many of us that play are quite competitive; we like to win; we do not like losing (who does?). So it is understandable how Halo 2 (or other) can be extremely frustrating when you lose or perform poorly with any consistency. Team balance can be hard to come by, in both customs and MM. My clan had a discussion on this in our forum not too long ago. It was basically decided that it was the responsibility of the Party Leader to decide if teams were unfair and that it was the PL’s call on whether or not teams should be rearranged. This is a wonderful plan, because no one likes being “that guy” who whines about the teams, even if he/she just lost 50-16. So, to my clan reading this, if you are party leader, do not be afraid to mix up teams, even if it’s “just because.” Some people may be content with the team they are currently on, and others may be content no matter what team they are on regardless of the score (which is very commendable). Still, there are others who will not speak up, or will even say that the teams are fine, who really are not enjoying the game as much as they could because they are having an off night. If this is you, do not be afraid to request the PL to mix the teams up (note I said ask the PL, not the room – the room may shoot you down, since you are the minority regarding team contentment.) The unsatisfied player should have the courage to express their personal dissatisfaction with the teams or simply express their desire to mix it up, and the PL should try to accommodate the party accordingly. There never will be “the perfect matchup,” and you cannot always get what you want, but I would argue that a good Clan night or good round of customs occurs when I am 50-50 W-L. If I go 80-20, super-duper; pat myself on the back. However, if I’m 80-20, that means someone is 20-80, and I would rather lose 30% more of the time and everyone have an enjoyable experience than dominate the field and someone “call it a night” since they cannot seem to buy a kill. Winning is not a reward when achieved at the cost of another’s misery. I encourage all of you to keep this in mind. Play to the best of your ability and strive for excellence, but do so in a way that leads to the betterment of all, not the elevation of some. I believe getting a firm grasp on perceiving Halo 2 and our community in this light will make the experience we share that much more rich and rewarding. Have a wonderful day, everyone.
- SweetMeef's blog
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Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 11:16
Submitted by StunGib on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 16:26
Submitted by GIJoeBob on Fri, 06/23/2006 - 17:48