help with drinks


Shared on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 20:48

i dont drink beer. dont like it. never have. i dont drink wine. every one i have tried is too bitter. with that being said, what else is out there that i could try? i have found i like Mikes hard berry and Hornsbys hard cider crisp apple. smirnoff black ice isnt bad either. now dont get me wrong, im not looking to start drinking heavily but my kids are at the age where a little alcohol is a good thing. for me. so, what are your suggestions?

no much else going on lately. been working without a day off for 2 weeks and still getting the new place setup now that the move is over.

oh yeah, one more thing. i need friends. my friends list only has 20 people on it and most of them are clan mates. now dont read that wrong. i realy enjoy my clan and they are a great bunch of guys. it just that sometimes our schedules dont mesh and i cant be online when they are. i am sick of MM and timmies so i need mor 2o2pers on my list. if your looking for a new target shoot me an FR. i warn you now tho, im not that good. i am getting beter but still not that good. my rumble pit rank is a 6 i think. but i dont go there much. im starting to like SWAT too. also, if my clan mates (2old2play south rocks, btw) are on at other times and i am just not seeing you let me know. i am going to try to get on more often now. since we moved back home my wife is alot happier all the time so the home life is real good.

thats enough for now. thanks to doodi for all he does here. and you all great. i have enjoyed every game i have played with you guys although i am prety sure i pissed off some of you. for example the first time i ever played with nomodifier he kept yelling at me not to shoot him before he got in the hill. sorry, itchy triger finger. i see a target and i gotta shoot it. :)

cya online


Rhysode's picture
Submitted by Rhysode on Mon, 07/17/2006 - 22:00
Nothing wrong with a top-shelf hard liquor on ice in moderation.
BCKinetic's picture
Submitted by BCKinetic on Tue, 07/18/2006 - 00:58
As far as drinks go, there are all kinds of good sweet drinks you could mix up. As for sweet alcohol, some popular ones: Malibu Coconut Rum (white btl), Midori Melon Liquor (Green btl), Hypnotic (Passionfruit - I think). And then there is always mixing juice into things: -Bay Breeze: Vodka, Cranberry Juice, Pineapple juice -Margaritas are always good -Midori sour: Midori, Sweet & Sour Mix -Malibu and Pineapple juice -Cape Codder: Vodka, Cranberry Juice, twist of lime The amount of drinks are endless. I suggest finding something you like and then branching out from there. If you like Midori sours, try finding other drinks with Midori in it. is a great site for finding drink receipes. Hope that helps.
BigpunishrsWife's picture
Submitted by BigpunishrsWife on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 16:00
If you like the mikes products and smirnoff etc...try the ZimaXXX products. I am currently addicted to the fruit punch and it packs a nice 5.9% booze level...I have tried all flavors and the orange and fruit punch are my favorites. Just remember it is the ZimaXXX.
DrPlague's picture
Submitted by DrPlague on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 18:25
I find that a good vodka with some soda water is the best thing in the world. You can add a slice of lime or lemon, and there are flavored vodkas that go with the soda water as well. It is simple and refreshing.

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