Its Tuesday


Shared on Tue, 05/30/2006 - 13:24

I hate tuesdays. hate em. everything freakin breaks on tuesdays. everything. I went on call Friday night for my week. everything went fine for the weekend. no calls all weekend. until F-ing Tuesday! i got called at 2:46AM, 6:40AM and 7:30am. each call was because a server went down and the damn helpdesk is too stupid to tell the guy on site to just turn the damn thing back on. the one good thing that has happened today was lunch. i got to go home and see my wife and boys. the whole morning was shit. this afternoon i get to have a meeting. oh boy. so im sure the afternoon will be shit too. oh,well. i may have to get online tonight and see if i can shoot Unwashed Mass in the head. that usually helps me feel better. :)

other than that, im doin good. if i can make it thru this week i go on vacation for a week then to TechEd for a week. 2 whole weeks without coming to the office. thank god for that. plus the attendee party for teched this year is a concert and party at Fenway park. pretty cool if your a baseball fan. which i am. the band they got playing is called Train. never heard of em myself. if you have let me know what you think of them. im going to the park for the food and the tour and the food and the green monster. and the food. all you can eat ball park food. FREE. yeehaw. wel, im at work and should probably do something to look busy.



UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Tue, 05/30/2006 - 14:20
My wife likes Train. The band, so dont start. I like when I get shot in the head and do backflips. I like shooting Tarbs in the head and hearing "Whaaaa?!?" better, though.

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