Resident Evil 5....


Shared on Mon, 03/23/2009 - 09:30

Okay, I like you now.


Played the demo the week it hit. Dean asked how it was because he knew it was an XBL coop game. My assessment was "it's garbage. We're not buying it."

A couple weeks later, a JayCat review, a long list of friends that are playing it and I started to wonder if my 1st impression reaaction was fair. We haven't played a decent co-op game since Mercs 2, so what the hell right? We trade in some games, get ourselves 2 copies and rush home to try it out.

1 hour. 2 irritated people. Increasing abrupt comments to each other. Dean hits his threshold of frustration yells at me and shuts off the game. *sigh* This shit is garbage, it's a waste. Are you supposed to run? fight? WTF? We make our amends, call it a loss and proceed with our plans to go out to dinner with some friends and forget about it.

Sunday - Let's try this one more time. On Amateur. Armed with a strategy guide. (We're RE noobs! We don't understand how you're "supposed" to play this game - so don't make fun!)

We get somewhere. Meaning - we stop dying. I get a shotgun. It rules. We find some stuff. We sell it. We upgrade our shit. We rule. We're not yelling at each other - always a plus. Six hours later we're still playing. I like you now Resident Evil.

I want to go home and play more now.

Yes, the control scheme is slightly retarded - but you do get accustomed to it. The gameplay is varied. The teamwork has an "Army of Two" feel that makes it clear this was meant to be a co-op game. The graphics are good. And the story, from what I can tell is decent. (Like I said, this is my first RE).

I'm not sure how all the "RE5 is racist" stuff has come about yet (what? just because it's in Africa?). Perhaps I'm just ignorant and just don't get it? That's probably another blog alone (not my ignorance, the racism, maybe both, who knows?).

Okay - this has gone off topic. Fuck it. Resident Evil 5 isn't a bad game. It's actually pretty bad ass and I like it. That is all.



J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Mon, 03/23/2009 - 10:46
we found shotgun shells... no shottie. sad panda.
Jedi_Kez's picture
Submitted by Jedi_Kez on Mon, 03/23/2009 - 10:58
meh still not getting it. RE needs to evolve into something that doesn't control so poorly. Sure you get used to it, but come on already. All that crap about it's always been like that, and it adds to the atmosphere, blah blah blah, is crap. The game used to have a fixed camera in the past, now it doesn't. So if that can evolve, so can the controls. Idea: make the controls more natural, and dream up some other way to make the game intense. Fuckers. It's a shame, cause the game looks very pretty and I'd like to play it, but I've learned my lesson with RE4 - I gave up halfway through cause I got tired of fighting the shitty controls.
Raider30's picture
Submitted by Raider30 on Mon, 03/23/2009 - 12:24
Silly white girl...its racist because you are in Africa killing black zombies. Never-you-mind the fact that the previous games have you killing scores of white zombies.
ImMrPete's picture
Submitted by ImMrPete on Mon, 03/23/2009 - 16:05
I'm with you, I couldn't stand the demo. Then a friend of mind got it and pestered me into getting it. Is it the best game I've ever played? No. Is it a fun co-op game? Yes. The controls are retarded but it's just like the other RE games....
Mortaw's picture
Submitted by Mortaw on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 08:09
I have been playing the RE series sence that begging. I love the series, but 5 is awsome, Once you get infanet ammo it realy is fucking awsome.

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