First Round of Presidential race opinions


Shared on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 18:05

First off, please remember these are my opinions. They are not meant to hurt or insult anyone, but if you have thin skin you might want to skip onto the next blog

As I am sure this will come to no surprise to any of you who know me, I am voting for McCain. However, this decision was reached after some thorough research and some (for me) deep thought. As the time progresses, and based upon the reactions I get, I will post more and more information on this subject.

For now, I am going to pose a rarely expressed question out here:

In your view, what (if any) are the requirements or pre-qualifications to be President of the United States? Is it as simple as the Constitutionally outlined minimum demographic requirements (age, birthplace)? Or is it a more in-depth group of traits and achievements? For me it is the latter. While Obama meets the demographical requirements, I see him lacking tremendously on all other aspects. I kind of look at this as a job interview. Both candidates are, in my mind, interviewing for the positon with the voters as the "hiring authority". That being said, I had to start somewhere...and I decided to start with this basic question......

As President of the Untied States of America, the individual will be granted access to the most sensitive and highest classified information of our government. Presidential level access is at such a high level of clearance it is unbelievable (justifyably so). So.....given that I hold a clearance, I am very familiar with the adjudication process; and I know that there are aspects of Obama's life that would siqualify him for a Secret clearance...nuch less a Presidential level clearance. What aspects you ask? Well, alot of it concentrates on his associations. You see, there is a standard form that whenever you apply for a clearance you have to fill out, and there are questions there about every aspect of your life. The one that I concentrate on in this case is something along the lines of: Have you ever associated yourself with any individual or group that is intent on overthrowing the government of the United States or is unfriendly to the same?" Well....enter Jeremiah Wright. Now, statements like the ones he made weekly from his pulpit, statments like "Not God bless America, God DAMN America", or "The US of KKK", or the statement accusing our government of introducing AIDS as a weapon to destroy the African American population do not sound like the types of statements uttered by a USA loving individual. The level of involvement and support the Obamas had within that "church" , and with Jeremiah Wright specifically (he married them, baptized their kids.....) make it extremely hard for me to believe that Barack had "never heard him speak like that". For God's sake, Wright sold all his speeches on DVD. Kind of hard to miss, in my opinion. If that's not aggagious enough, let's add William Ayers to the mix....a known terrorist and long time associate of Obama's. These two associations (specially the latter) would make it impossible for you or I to obtain a Secret-level clearance....imagine meeting the requirements for a Presidential level clearance. In short, Obama doesn't meet one very critical requirement for can't very well Preside without access to the most vital info, now can you?


RyanFromVegas's picture
Submitted by RyanFromVegas on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 18:32
Without getting into the politics of it all, there is ample precedence that the boss of most companies wouldnt be able to be hired as a worker at said company. Its documented that a significant percentage of ceo types are dyslexic. they hire and fire Harvard grads every day but can barely read through the company manual. Lets not even get into how many CEO's are not subject to the companies drug screening policy. The boss is the boss because they are the best leader..not because they were the best employee. Its a whole different mindset and job description.
Teufelhunden11's picture
Submitted by Teufelhunden11 on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 19:19
Granted, but we're not talking Corporate America. Concentrate on the National Security aspect of things. Obama could not obtain a clearance at the most basic level given his associations,,,,,
RyanFromVegas's picture
Submitted by RyanFromVegas on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 19:29
I guess my point is that the rules that apply to the rank and file dont apply to leadership. Just because a normal joe couldnt get a security clearance, that doesnt necissarily apply to the president. If Obama were to be elected he would by default be worthy of the clearance. Weather or not he would be entitled to a security clearance as an engineer at Boeing or wherever else is beside the point. Should Bush been given the clearance given his past drug use?
doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 19:31
Its impossible to have a political discussion if you are bias to one side. If Obama was republican I would feel confident you would still vote in that direction. What requirements did bush meet? He drank a lot and partied? His dad was rich and was also the president? Seem more like the extreme left or right will always find to not like the oppositions candidate. In the end politics can not be argued one way are the other if both parties are already set to give favor to their side. Personally Im neither republican or democrat. I have voted both ways in the past and Im still looking into both candidates before i make the call. I see good in both of them as well as issues with their policies. I simply need a lot more time to figure out which I would lean towards.
Teufelhunden11's picture
Submitted by Teufelhunden11 on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 19:59
Ryan: As for the comparisson to the current President, yes, he easily would have been cleared. Past drug use is a minor speedbump IF there is no current or recent use of it. My point is that if the voters would look at this as a point by point issue, Obama, or anyone that does not bring in some relevant and proven experience, might not get elected. Had Obama's associations been from 20-30 years ago and he had discontinued them the moment he becam aware of the person's history or actions this wouldn't even be an issue for me. Doodi, I would hope you know me better than that. I have criticized Pres Bush on many issues before. I am not particularly happy with McCain being the Rep candidate and I am not a Republican. First and foremost I am a Reagan Conservative. It just so happens that 90% of the time the Republican party somewhat adheres to the Reagan Conservative mentality. My choice would have been Thompson (if we could inject him with some substance that made him look alive), as he was the only Reagan Conservative in the bunch. Bush 43 was a Governor. He did well as such and had a proven record of leadership when he stepped in. Obama has no record of leadership. His greatest ability is to trigger people's emotions (kind of like Tony Robbins). Amd politics can be discussed even if each side has already set to give favor to a particular issue..that is the very definition of "debating".
DeltaT's picture
Submitted by DeltaT on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 20:00
One of my problems with Obama is his senseless bable. Dems say drilling wont put oil on field for 7 to 10 years ,yet the drillers say they can do it in 2, hmm? He says drilling and putting more oil on the market wont lower prices at all,yet he wants too put oil from our strategic reserve on the market to lower prices? Well which is it? Plus he doesnt seem to actually say anything. vote constitutionalist
LukeBerry's picture
Submitted by LukeBerry on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 20:20
I am voting for a write in canidate "Peter Griffin" Seriously when the republicans saw it was Hilary and Barrack they had to laugh. There is noway america is voting a black man or a woman into office. So its Mccain by default.
nomodifier's picture
Submitted by nomodifier on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 20:35
What is the difference between a compassionate conservative and a liberal democrat? Either way we lose.
Teufelhunden11's picture
Submitted by Teufelhunden11 on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 20:41
Nomodifier: Hence why I didn't want McCain, but he is better than a communist apeaser
MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 20:52
I think that once the actual debates happen, many people will change their mind about Obama. It's not a matter of black or white or male or female, it's a difference of the way America wants things run. Either more socialist (France) or more democratic like America should (used) to be.
Azuredreams's picture
Submitted by Azuredreams on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 21:04
Obama is nothing more than hype, and he'll be exposed as such. I have defended him in the past, but only when someone starts calling him muslim etc. Just because I don't like the guy doesn't mean I wont defend him from morons.
Teufelhunden11's picture
Submitted by Teufelhunden11 on Tue, 08/12/2008 - 10:21
Azure: Unfortunately, Obama has one thing that will bring him alot of votes...Charisma. In our society, appearance matters more than content. We have become enamoured with Hollywood and its stars, and Obama's charisma puts him on par with that image. Alot of voters do not vote based on a thorough study of the candidate, but based on what emotion said candidate triggers within them. To this day I haven't heard anyone eloquently and logically state what accomplishments Obama has which qualify him to be the next POTUS. All I hear is things like:"He can unify us" or "The world loves him" or "He got elected to the Senate". None of that indicates that he would be a good POTUS, specially in these times we face. Add to this the fact that the mainstream media is in love with Obama and will downplay any wrong-doing and up-play any minor advantage and we have a very likely scenario in which Obama becomes the next POTUS. Sad, but true.
d0od's picture
Submitted by d0od on Tue, 08/12/2008 - 11:07
I am done voting for both republicans and democrats, I have decided to start throwing away my vote and trying to get the power taken away from the 2 extremes (left and right) we now have.

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