Canine Observation


Shared on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 08:56

I just finished walking my daughter's schnauzer and my black lab. Being the observer I am, I made a startling discovery! Male dogs don't all poop the same way.

My lab does the quadraped squat, and the schnauzer does a tripod non-squat! (In addition, my lab always faces away from me so I "can't see him", I guess. The schnauzer is not as modest.)

Now this folks, is a breakthrough discovery for me! My 52nd birthday was yesterday, and for all these years I was unaware of this amazing phenomena! Now you know, so you won't be deprived of that enlightenment for as long as I was. Man, I might be up for the Pulitzer for this research!

And now . . . you know the REST OF THE STORY!

Good Day


madwoman's picture
Submitted by madwoman on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 11:36
Happy Birthday! Glad you're not one those people who have a mid-life crisis (got a few relatives who are actually in the mist of one). Its all about how we feel....Happy Monday!
stang503421's picture
Submitted by stang503421 on Fri, 06/29/2007 - 14:06
Happy b-day tt - looks like you've got important observations to get to, so I won't keep you from your work any longer... :)
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 08:58
Happy birthday. How's the midlife crisis going?
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 09:11
Happy belated Birthday!!!
TexasTwister55's picture
Submitted by TexasTwister55 on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 09:27
No crisis, my brothers and sisters. I'm aging, but I'll never be old. My spirit and zest for life are stronger than ever! And I look GOOD! LOL Yeah, I'm pushing it a bit.
BigBobbyBean's picture
Submitted by BigBobbyBean on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 09:37
happy birthday
DrPlague's picture
Submitted by DrPlague on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 09:50
Happy late birthday wishes. And don't spend too much time watching dogs poop.
Lusetti67's picture
Submitted by Lusetti67 on Mon, 06/25/2007 - 11:05
Happy b-day Twister and dont get to close to the dog when he is poooooooping

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