A day well spent


Shared on Wed, 03/19/2008 - 17:29

Now that I get to stay at home all day I get lots of house work done and other stuff.  Today my poison ivy got the best of me and I had to rest untill 11:00 am.

After that I went to working on the house:

          Washed dishes

          cleaned up the rest of the kitchen

          started laundry

          played some BINGO with my daughter

          made lunch

          played some Sorry with my daughter

          vacuumed my bedroom, exercise room & bathroom

          cleaned out the laundry room

          And last but not least I finished filing my taxes.

It's awesome how much I can get done in one day.  I told Smoke I am enjoying it too much and it needs to get harder so I don't flake out on going to school lol



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