Halo 3


Shared on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 07:23
Last night Smoke and I logged in to do some more campaign, then Skycube logged in and we all get together in a group to play.  Playing in multi-player with those two is funny enough, playing with them in campaign is just ROFLMAO  At one point we are watching the plot unfold, and as Master Chief is speaking I hear "Are you hungry"? "You want something to eat"?  It was so faint it sounded like it was coming from the game...but no, Sky was either talking to his girlfriend or just roll playing with the game 

We did pretty good, I had some nice head shots and some good stickies but of course Smoke and Sky were the better part of the team (except when they drove off without me).  I'm loving the "bring your friends in" for campaign mode, this is awesome!  I won't go into any details about the game just in case other people haven't made it as far.  I will just say that it is getting interesting!



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